Ivermectin use in cats?

Scaredy gets breakfast every morning. I've noticed that by late morning/early afternoon it is all gone. Today I saw a multitude of blue jays descend on the food. They loaded their bills with feed and flew off to stash it somewhere. Scaredy shares with them but chases off the turkey buzzards that sometimes show up. :idunno

Nice of Scaredy to share with the Jays :)
I'm pretty sure Bluejays are the only bird my cats are terrified of. The jays here are so aggressive. They harass anything that gets near the backyard. I took this picture a couple of days ago.

Scaredy's breakfast has been disappearing by lunchtime. I knew the birds were taking some, but expected other 'guests'. Yesterday I saw 4 turkey buzzards and a black vulture squabbling over her food. I've seen her chase off 2 turkey buzzards in the past. Perhaps 5 big birds were too many or perhaps she is feeling old. :(
Scaredy's breakfast has been disappearing by lunchtime. I knew the birds were taking some, but expected other 'guests'. Yesterday I saw 4 turkey buzzards and a black vulture squabbling over her food. I've seen her chase off 2 turkey buzzards in the past. Perhaps 5 big birds were too many or perhaps she is feeling old. :(

That's a lot of scavenger birds to scare off for any cat. Poor Scaredy!

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