Ivory the Rooster: Day 665 *updates*

Robin'sBrood :

77horses, forgive me if you answered this already and I missed it, but does s/he have access to grit?

No, I bring her outside and let her scratch around for a little while, when it's warm enough out. I've heard that using grit when it's not needed can cause digestive issues and is not needed?
I believe we might have some though. It's made especially for birds (since we have parakeets) but we never had to use it.​
Oh and I seriously don't think that Ivory knows how to stop eating...the cooked egg, anyway. Her crop is already packed full and whenever I put some more of the egg (little bits at a time) she goes and eats them right away. If she keeps eating she will start twisting her head around because of how full her over-stuffed crop is, and I don't think that's very good for her. I know that she needs to eat it, but I don't think she can fit anything else in her crop right now, even if she's eager to because apparently she doesn't know that too much isn't a good thing...?
Well, at least I know that she loves eggs...a lot.
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No, I bring her outside and let her scratch around for a little while, when it's warm enough out. I've heard that using grit when it's not needed can cause digestive issues and is not needed?
I believe we might have some though. It's made especially for birds (since we have parakeets) but we never had to use it.

Yes, grit is very much needed....especially when any grains are fed.
Definitely switch to a grower feed. Corn is just like candy...not very nutritious. Your chicks need more protein and of course vitamins and minerals to grow big and strong. Adding chicken vitamins to their water is a good idea too, in addition to a chick grower feed.

ETA: There are also some unmedicated feeds out there if that's what you are trying to avoid. I use Dumor chick starter for that reason, available at TSC. I called them to verify that it was unmedicated. I get mine vaccinated for cocci since I don't use medicated feed.
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OK thanks Katy I will see if I can find ours and give he a tiny bit.

And just in case you don't understand what I mean when I say that she seems to not know how to stop eating, here's a picture of how HUGE her crop is that I just took a minute ago....

See what I mean? And it's all mostly from the egg. Before I gave it to her, her crop was pretty small...just had some corn in it. Now look at it! It's not hard or mushy, but it's just firm and large. I think it's a bit too large, so for tonight I won't give her anymore egg. She can digest it overnight and I will feed her more in the morning, when her crop is smaller. Right now she seems content with taking another nap on her bed sock under her light.

Also, she just pooped. The dropping was pretty small and a bit water...mostly white/yellow colored. I guess the egg hasn't gone through the digestive cycle yet? Does this mean anything? Thanks!
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What I am wondering is is there something wrong with medicated chick feed? Why is it "medicated"? Is it not good for some chicks? Is it only used for chicks who need the "medicated" part of it? Can ALL chicks eat it without problems?
No offense to Ivory, but doesn't her beak make her look kind of crow(ish)? Is it just me? It might just be my imagination (I watched that movie "The Birds" a few days ago...)
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What I am wondering is is there something wrong with medicated chick feed? Why is it "medicated"? Is it not good for some chicks? Is it only used for chicks who need the "medicated" part of it? Can ALL chicks eat it without problems?

There is nothing wrong with "medicated" chicks starter. It's all I use. The medication in it is amprol/amprolium which is a preventative to help keep them from getting sick with coccidiosis.
No offense taken! I agree with that, kinda.
She has more of a vulture-ish beak, I think. It's rather pointy and long, like a crow or vulture would have. So yes, her beak is a little funny-looking, but I still love her and she's my unique baby chick!
LOL and she's still adorable!

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