jacob or edward?

but when you think of what vampires and werewolves are really supposed to be...how can anyone find them attractive, much less allow their children to watch/read these sorts of things?
Has anyone see the preview to Vampires Suck?

it's a new movie poking fun at Twilight and Alice in Wonderland, two movies I love, but it looks too funny.

my spelling is bad today
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The beauty of it is, they are supposed to be exactly what the story depicts, neither of the characters (Edward or Jacob) are inherently bad or evil. They are actually distinctivley different from most other vampire or werewolf stories; I would agree with you if the subject matter was serial killers, but this is all in fun.
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If you read the books you will see that they are niether one bad or evil ... The vampires only drink animal blood and the werewolves are born that way and are protectors of mankind...

Oh BTW Team Jacob all the way.. Taylor Lautner
great, but those arent accurate descriptions. i mean, obviously its just folklore but to encourage kids and preteens to have an interest in it is just a bit off to me.
ohh its ok, I loved the books and Im in my 20's with little girls and I wouldnt mind if they read these. Now true blood on the other hand (HBO) Id want them to be older before Id let them watch it, not sure if the books are as bad as the show?
but as for the team I choose, Its so hard. I want Bella to be with Edward thats my favorite parts to read in the books, But Jacob is so nice and sweet. If I had to choose a guy for myself it would be Emmett! mmmmm

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