JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

High temps can be harder on them than low ones... so, I wonder if that spike to 106 wasn't it...
what day was that on?
it's also harder on them to get spikes nearer the end than the first few days when the embryo is just teeny...

UGGGGGG... My butt is TOOOO BIG... and I'm STUCK in here!!!!!


Thanks... I needed that....

(he'd been trying for nearly an hour! prolly a roo...)
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Eggtopsied the last five who didn't hatch. Two were fully formed, one had been peeping but never pipped. No idea why. Two looked to have died after lockdown, but yolk wasn't totally absorbed and one was gone prior to lockdown. That one was small.
Somsad on the one who was peeping, crying out for help.
The one that was peeping either wasn't stong enough or the shell/membrane were too thick.. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing until it's too late unless you sit there and help every single chick.. Of course, we all know that would be a very difficult task and most probably would not make it.. Nature knows what it's doing...
Enjoy the fuzzy butts that you do have!

The one that was peeping either wasn't stong enough or the shell/membrane were too thick.. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing until it's too late unless you sit there and help every single chick.. Of course, we all know that would be a very difficult task and most probably would not make it.. Nature knows what it's doing...
Enjoy the fuzzy butts that you do have!


Thanks goddess, I needed to hear that. It was hard to see the ute 'almost' chicks and wish I could have known to help.
I would up getting 17/31 of the 40 set . Have yet to eggtopsy, giving them a few extra days just in case. But it looks like they are done. Out of the EEs I got 5/8, of the BOs I got 4/7 and of the CCMs 6/25. One of the chicks only lasted 2 days and the passed away. The other 16 all seem to be doing fine including the last one that hatched and I had to help out of the shell.

It has been great fun to read about everyones hatches. Will get the inky cleaned up and get ready to set another batch maybe the second week of Feb. Looks like I will be getting some French Black Marans in Feb to try.
Just dont tell my wife, she has been on the war path lately about my collection.


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