JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

thinking about you KSM.. Today is day 20 for me

Keep us posted..

Cute EE hen!

I have a BF that needs her....

this might sound completely dumb, even to me once I see your answer, but what is a BF again... other than teenage slang for boyfriend?

Yes..BF - Boyfriend. I have a EE roo that looks almost the same as your hen. They would sure make a cute breeding pair!
Ok ok ok!!! I admit it... I'm a candling JUNKIE!!! I had to add water to bring my humidity up.. I am doing a staggered hatch so I am just going to keep it around 50% the entire hatch but I don't have any tubing so I have to actually pick up one of the eggs to put water into the trough... Well I figured, I had the flashlight.. the bator was open... why not?! I didn't even have to pick up most of the eggs.. Just put the light on top of them and BOY!!! Are those little buggers active!!!!! I candled all of them and ALL of the ones for this hatch are doing awesome!!! There was one that looked as if it had a bloodring just under the air cell but the chick was moving like crazy so I guess it's just a thick vein!! I've never seen so many baby chicks!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

HELP! one of the chicks hatched and is bloody? it is sortof connected to the egg.... it stopped bleeding after a while but is still connected to the egg shell ( i think its yolk?)

i found out that its not fully developed! its stomach.... isnt inside yet?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? do i just leave it a lone or wht? i put it in an old jello container to try to keep it in somthing?

gah i really dont want to cull it

what did i mess up to make it hatch like that?
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I replied in your other post... I've been there... It's horrible to watch but it can be saved if you act quickly.. He/she may have just been in a hurry to get out or the shell may have been a little thin so it zipped too quickly... Give it a chance.. The yolk is just extra nourishment so if you absolutely have to, because it dries up, you CAN use a sterilized pair of scissors and cut it off.. But only use that as a last resort.. IF you do need to cut it, make sure you give it vitamins (poly-vy-sol without iron) and make sure it eats sooner than the rest... Try my other solution first though..


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