JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Ok I have an issue. I go into lockdown tomorrow and I was going to use another bator to hatch. I have eggs due to hatch the 18th and the 28th. What should I leave the humidity at now that I am going to have to leave the other eggs in also?
GreenGoddess, I am new at this. I have 32 sitting in the incubator to be hatched on 29th. They are different breeds from Black Sex Link, Rhode Island and New Hampshire Reds, Cochins, Silkie..not sure they are even fertile, will my Cochin roo fertilize Silikie?, Amerucana, and Silver Lace. My Buffs are not laying yet, but should be soon. I started collecting hens and rooster last year. First roo in May and the rest in October, 2009 and since. When I go to get a new hen, my husband always says, "just one, baby". I end up with at least 3 more. My daughter, a soldier since right before the obsession started, said it is sad when he has to say I can only have one all the way to pick them up!
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1602 hovabator with turners and fan. I plan to rmove 2 rows of turners and stack 1 row of eggs like I saw manhori do. The egs that are do on the 28th I will leave the turners onand build a cardboard wall to keep chicks from getting stuck. But do I leave the humidity at 50% or do I fill both water resevours or just fill the largest? I shure wish the borrowed one wasn't broke!
I wouldn't leave the eggs in the turners...I would put them on the ground. :.

How many eggs are you hatching? If you aren't hatching very many then I'd just hand turn the ones that aren't in lockdown yet. That way they can have room to run around etc. I would just fill up the middle trough. Do you know which one I'm talking about?
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I wouldn't leave the eggs in the turners...I would put them on the ground. :.

How many eggs are you hatching? If you aren't hatching very many then I'd just hand turn the ones that aren't in lockdown yet. That way they can have room to run around etc. I would just fill up the middle trough. Do you know which one I'm talking about?

I am only hatching 5 eggs on the 18th. 30 on the 28th. I leave the house at 6am and don't get home till 7pm (at least till the end of tax season) so I have to leave the 30 in the turners. the middle water would be the smaller one right? Is 50-55% ok for hatch?

Eta sorry I wasn't to clear about the turners. I am removing 2 rows so the new chicks can hatch. I was moving one row of eggs and stacking them to make room for the hatch.​
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I replied in your other post... I've been there... It's horrible to watch but it can be saved if you act quickly.. He/she may have just been in a hurry to get out or the shell may have been a little thin so it zipped too quickly... Give it a chance.. The yolk is just extra nourishment so if you absolutely have to, because it dries up, you CAN use a sterilized pair of scissors and cut it off.. But only use that as a last resort.. IF you do need to cut it, make sure you give it vitamins (poly-vy-sol without iron) and make sure it eats sooner than the rest... Try my other solution first though..


i tried the other one 1st and so far.... ITS WORKING. 3/4ths of it has already gone inside of her!!!!
I replied in your other post... I've been there... It's horrible to watch but it can be saved if you act quickly.. He/she may have just been in a hurry to get out or the shell may have been a little thin so it zipped too quickly... Give it a chance.. The yolk is just extra nourishment so if you absolutely have to, because it dries up, you CAN use a sterilized pair of scissors and cut it off.. But only use that as a last resort.. IF you do need to cut it, make sure you give it vitamins (poly-vy-sol without iron) and make sure it eats sooner than the rest... Try my other solution first though..


i tried the other one 1st and so far.... ITS WORKING. 3/4ths of it has already gone inside of her!!!!


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