JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

What color? I used to have two OEGB hens, they're Spangled. They both drown the same day last year.
Yipee!! The best part of sucking at candling is that the chicks seem to multiply as the days go on!! I found at least six tonight in the colorful eggs and one clear with blood ring for sure, tossed that one. The BCMs are too dark but one glows clear, so I'm hopeful that means the others are dark with embryos!! Hey, I can hope!!
Almost halfway there!! Workin on the brooder today!! Trying an upgrade to a built one but we shall see if my ranch hand gets it finished in time!!
I have a Buff Laced Wyandotte sitting on 6 eggs: 3 are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, 2 are Creole Old English Game Bantams and 1 is Bantam Cochin. I got the eggs free from another BYCer.

This is our first time hatching - I am so excited to see what we get!!! We don't have any bantams yet, but are hoping for some out of this hatch!
Just a little update from me...

I've been reading all the posts and keeping up with everyone but have not been posting very much.. Of course, not too much has been going on, unless you want me to post everytime I look in and still see unhatched eggs...

Ok.. So, I am on day 11 for set 1 and day 5 for set 2 (with a third set being gathered as we speak lol)... I'm using the 2x4 under the edge of the bator to "turn" them and because of the lean, I have not been able to put enough water in there to keep the humidity up so I decided to put a few folded paper towels in the troughs in various places so that I can keep the water in there better... Well, if course i am a candling JUNKIE so I got everything set back up and put the eggs back in (the carton method made this so easy!!!!) and then I candled them all!! In batch #1, there were 3 that had a mass (chick) but no veining and absolutely NO movement... I set those aside and candled set #2, not expecting to see much... I saw veining beginning in those for about 2/3 of them.. The others I didn't see anything but that don't mean when i check back in a few days that I won't see anything then... So, everything looks really good except for these three eggs...

Egg #1 was one of the eggs i found hidden in the coop looks to have made it to day 7

Egg #2 I collected Dec 29 looks to have made it to day 8

Egg #3 I collected on Jan 2 looks to have made it to day 9

Egg #3 was the saddest because you could actually see the beak forming... All the rest seems to be very active... I'm stillwondering about he eggs i cannot see into..I've tried every flashlight in the house and even a made one with a lightbulb.. They are either too dark or too thick.. not sure which so I will just keep a close eye to make sure they don't seep!!

I'm still trying to figure out where the heck I'm going to put them once they hatch.. LOL Hubby won't let me use the bathtub this time and it's too cold to put them in a brooder in the coop.. So, I will have to find some kind of box and put them in the laundry room... Of course, that's a uch easier problem to deal with than incubator problems and dead chicks!!

10 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!

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