JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Sorry. I'm not very experienced with hatching (a newbie here) but I'm sorry for your loss.

Ok I have 12 eggs in incubator. They are due tomorrow. Problem is I only see one moving. Is it possible the other ones are moving when I am not there? I am so worried.
Sometimes the eggs are very still until the actual hatching process has begun... in those cases I believe it to be that the non moving eggs are saving up energy to bust out from their shells.
I have 12 of my original 18 in my homemade bator and today is day 14! Candled this morning all 12 are looking good and seem to be right on track!!! The 12 consist of 5 BO, 4 RIR, and 3 BR, We started with six of each so I think we are doing pretty good for our first hatch!!!! We also have 4 egg from our own flock of PR and SLW under a broody! Those are at day 10 and all have developed andare moving around pretty good!!! I will keep everyone posted on our hatch, wish me luck and good luck to all yall!!!!!!!
OK, I am getting nervous.... Seems like a lot of folks are having a rough time. I am soooo sorry, I feel your pain. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I know I have six duds (clear) that I am going to pull out after I re-candle this weekend. Sunday is Day 14.

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