JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

I was supposed to be locking down yesterday...but when I candled, I found that the vast majority seem slightly under developed so the temps were probably not warm enough. I saw movement in most, though...so thought I would wait till tonight to do a formal lockdown....

got home a few minutes ago and I have a stinker...ewww...now to figure out who before it pops...
I've been reading but have not been posting very much.. I'm trying really hard to get the space cleaned out to put the temporary brooder (I'm selling the chicks that I hatch)..

I will be going into lockdown tonight (about 12 hours early) so it will be dark enough to candle them before I do it and I won't have to open the bator twice... I will give one final count tonight...

I also wanted to ask y'all to pray for my family.. I just found out that my aunt passed away this afternoon.. Unfortunately I cannot be with them at this time, as much as I would like to since they are about 500 miles away... There have been a lot of deaths and heartache on this site in the last week.. We all need to post pics of fuzzy butts to make us all smile!


I am sorry as well to hear about the loss of your aunt.

Some new fuzzy butts would be a welcome site for all of us on this thread!!
Thanks so much y'all! I lost one of my 9 month old pullets a few nights ago also so this has most definitely been a rough week..

Now, to bring the conversation back up a few notches....

Hubby and I were sitting here talking about the fact that he told me I can replace the chickens I have lost.. One was the chick I lost due to an impacted crop and the other one I lost the other night that I am 99.9% positive she jumped off the roost and hit the nest box head first.. I've since moved the nest box so it don't happen again!.. Well, of course i had to take it to a higher limit and told him that I also need to replace the two roos I rehomed.. ROFL! He wasn't thrilled with the idea and of course told me (with a grin on his face) that was not was he meant.. I explained to him (in the most convincing tone I could muster up) that I needed to replace all four of them because that's how many I have "lost"... He then reminded me (almost laughing) that he only wanted 4-6 originally and now we have 16!! Of course i had to show him posts of other members saying things like, "one can never have enough chickens!"...

After sitting here for a few minutes he says, "I'm gonna regret saying this!" and walked out the door and tells me to follow him... I followed him to the run and he puts a few marks in the dirt with his foot and says, "If you can get enough fencing to extend the run to here, yu can have 8 more but THAT'S IT!!"

I only wanted to replace 4 and he's giving me twice that!!! My husband loves me!!!
Of course, I need to get the fencing before he will let me keep even one more so, i won't be able to keep any out of this hatch... But, I'm getting plenty of eggs and if I sell enough chicks, I can buy the fencing that i need...

Congrats on the good/fun news. Now you have a goal and a plan!

My husband is so suspicious whenever I open my mouth about the chickens. We only have 3, but I am hatching 5 now. My limit is 6 while we still live here. But we will move to some acreage in the next two years. At that point, he and I both know our chicken population will grow. We probably just don't have the same perspective on HOW much!
I just went into my first lock down ever. I am practicing my hand sitting technique. Me, "is it better when I sit like this" or when I "sit like that"
This is going to be a long few days. Hope I did the calculations right. If not someone tell me quick! I set on the 7th, first 24 would have been the 8th, that would make today 18 days from set and 17 days from first 24. Great...not I am worried. This is going to be a long week. Oh and I put 24 into lock down, 32 originally set. -Cortney
I locked down last evening 12 Blue Splash marans eggs.
Thay came from the darkest eggs for plash I have ever seen. I'm psyched!
Wanna trade hubby's????

I was just showing my DH my plans and he about stroked out. He just walked away shaking his head, so I told him I took that as a YES!!! picking up my BLRW on Wednesday and my LF LB on Saturday. Yipppeeeee..

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