JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Actually, I do have a backache, LOL.
This never gets old.
I most definitely have BNS (Bator Nose Syndrome)!! I have my bator in a place where I have to pass it if I am walking to the bathroom, going to do dishes, do laundry or going to bed... So, just about anything I do in my house, i have to pass the bator.. LOL... My husband asked me today, "Can't you go in there WITHOUT looking in the incubator?!" My response, "NOPE!"

So........ I had a "DUH!" moment last night when I put the eggs into lockdown... I took all the eggs that were supposed to hatch on Friday out of the cartons and put them on the floor of the bator.. Unfortunately, I forgot to put the shelf liner down... On a good note, TODAY is day 18 so I went ahead and took all the eggs out, put the shelf liner down and put the eggs back... I'm so glad I didn't wait til today to put them in lockdown.. I could have really screwed the poor things up!! Now, I have rockin' eggs!!!

well, mine are on day 20...tomorrow (after 5pm) is the start of day 21. of course every time i go into the kitchen, i just GOTTA look!!! no rockin, no pippin, no peepin yet. come on babies!! tomorrow will hopefully be fun....especially thursday morning will hopefully have a few fuzzy butts in there!
Whoop whoop! I candled for the last time tonight, lockdown in the am. Looks like six of the colorful ones are good, tossed the rest. And eight of the BCMs look good too! I tossed the others as they were clear.
So. Here goes the hardest part!!
Now, goddess, what is this about shelf liner?????? Quick!! I lockdown at 7 am!!
Well my 7 are in lockdown, nervously waiting for them to do something. Should be hatching from late tomorrow my time and I am trying hard to stay out of the spare room.
You can get shelf liner at the dollar stores or even wal-mart.. It's on a dollar or two for the roll and it's like this thin spongy stuff that you use in kitchen drawers and shelves to keep things from moving all over the place.. it's awesome for the chicks because they can walk on it easily.. It also helps keep some of the mess off the actual bator since it has holes but they are small... You can find it in the housewares section.... Here is a pic of what it looks like, although it comes in many colors...


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I have one pip! still only day 20....but this evening will be the start of day 21! i can't wait to go to bed so i can just STOP lookin' in the bator! i wish there was such thing as a Hatching Pill. we could take it on day 20 and it would knock us out for a couple days!

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