JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

One more pink egg zipping and sounds like at least two are peeping in there!! I got all the chicks out again this am so it has to be the eggs peeping!! Humidity steady at 75% so I'll give these last six the day to show their purty faces!!
Just helped one out! Poor thing did an eggcellent job pipping and zipping but couldnt get the lid off!! Turned out it was upside down so didn't quite cut thru all the membrane and didn't have the force needed to push!!! A few picks and out it came! It's in there again learning to walk and drying! So cute!!
5 eggies to go but none of those are pipped yet. Sadly 4 of those are BCMs I hope they get a move on!!
I have TWO fuzzy butts!!

I peeked under mama and found 2 empty eggs and 2 still full. I pulled one chick out from under her.

It was dry and OH so tiny!!!! Then my husband looked in and yelled at me to stop bothering her!!!
I'm trying!





(my thermometer reads 4 degrees low btw, don't panic!!! :) as soon as the hatch is over I'll put my 'good' one in there)

We are up to nine now, and one (or more!) are in the bator just PEEPING so loud you can hear them in the Living Room!
tee hee!!!


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Day 22, five more in the incubator that haven't done anything but its possible they are not viable eggs, since it was my first hatch I put in anything that wasn't clear I hated the thought of tossing a baby chick. I took out the rest of the fluffy butts and put them in the brooder (which overnight dropped the temp and scared me half to death lucky I caught it in 1 hour!). Guess I will give these other little guys maybe another day or so and then a water test to see if they are duds.
Just noticed this thread. I set 24 eggs under 2 broodie hens and ended up with 16. Hatch day was to be Jan 28, but all hatched on the night of the 26th and the day of 27th. Both hens were first timers and my moms hen was much better with the chicks so let her addopt the other hens 5 chicks.Here are some pics. You may notice one little turken chick in the bunch. My fertilety rate was a little low on some because of my young roo is still on the smaller side and some of my hens are heavy breeds. He has been getting better by the day. My moms group has 4 roos and rates were high.I will show pic of my roo also.



The last Delaware egg had a chick in there that was in no way going to get out of that egg. It was not in a position to hatch at all and expired. So, I ended up with six out of seven hatching clean as a whistle. One is still hock-walking, though, and cries out if another one steps on it, so I'll give it 24 hours to get to its feet. If it doesn't, will probably have to euthanize it, poor little thing.
Anyway, this hatch is over. Have four more Delawares due on Feb. 7th. Congrats to all your folks with newly hatch fuzz-butts!
I did the float test on the last 12 eggs and didn't see ANY movement so, I went ahead and candled them tonight and believe them all to be dead.. There were a few that were my refrigerator so I didn't expect them to hatch but since I couldn't see into them I left them in there.. I will do eggtopsies tomorrow when I can bury them in the daylight.. I did notice a few of them were "glowing" so i don't even think they ever developed...

I went ahead and candled the eggs that are due to hatch for the CNY hatch on Friday and ALL 14 are going strong!! I am going to go ahead and clean out the bator as best I can before I put them in lockdown.. I got some bleach and will make a VERY diluted solution just to get rid of some of the bacteria that might be in there...


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