Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I am a complete noob. I opened them all, they were mostly infertile, but not all of them :he

I could not tell the difference at all between any of them, the brown eggs were so dark it was impossible to see anything.

I'll try again, and not until day 10 will I candle. As hard as it was I learned a lot from this, thanks everyone on this thread for all the knowledge! You guys have a lot of hatching wisdom.
OMG.........................Now  I have to check on every 15 minutes.....................
You can do it Mammy.................:fl

She's down now and having contractions bracing her self with all fours... This is gonna be a long night. Her water bag still isn't out she's takin her sweet old time.
whitney, a white maran, and Isis an Isbar

Denny and Darleen Delawares

Brenda and Bruno BCM

and Sal, Blue andelusian/blue splash maran, and Peach a silky.
She's down now and having contractions bracing her self with all fours... This is gonna be a long night. Her water bag still isn't out she's takin her sweet old time.
Come on girl!!!!
No change in mammy. It's amazing watching the baby move around in their, her mucus plug broke about noon, but no babies, hoping for no complications.
Ok folks...were officially in lockdown mode!!! I couldn't stand it, talked myself out of waiting til 9 pm...lol... I will have more patients from here on I promise

25 made it this far...
The 24 or so out in the brooder need some buddies lol......

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