Janie is Hurting, Advice?

Thanks guys, she isn't having a great day... no pill... but not horrible either.
Still wanting to walk about... no cleaning... no rolling... no playing.
But she did let out a bark when Daddy got home, so that's good.

We'll see how she does tomorrow on her last pill and then to the Vet.

for further recovery.
Back from the vet...

Weight is still exactly 15.8 so no loss or gain.

She still has deep pain feeling in the right back leg, let out a heap big yelp... but no so much on the left.

Did the flip the paw (think stand on your toes) thing, she's poda flip them back... didn't... except on FRONT Left.

Another script of pregnisone. 2/day for 2 days, 1/day for 7 days, 1 every other until done... says we should see improvement by 4 weeks (end of script) if it's going to happen.

Also a pill for fleas... they're eating her alive!

All told $65.00

It's going to REALLY suck if I've cut our Christmas budget in half... less gifts for the kiddos... only to add putting our doggie down on top of it. So please continue with the healing thoughts.
Okay script was 2/day for 2 days then 1/day for 7 days (we're still in this bit) and then 1 every other day...

1/day isn't cutting it. She's hurting, and legs are failing more IMO... which sucks like a black hole.

I made up a 'cage' of grid storage squares and put blankets in so she's penned up, and she's gotten her pill for today... maybe it'll help.

Dangit all to the 9th circle why does this kind of crap happen to a sweet loving little doggie while mean biting buggers like the one next door can climb and drop from a 6' fence without a scratch?!!? GAH!
I'm sorry it's not helping her. I'd call your vet and see if she can just stay on it twice a day...I hate to say it, but it may be time to make a tough decision...
I wonder if they can give her a more potent injection to get the inflammation to a lesser degree and then use pills to hopefully keep her at that point? It won't help much if surgery is her only option and perhaps you'd be more certain as where to go next. Darn. I hate when financial concerns have to be entered into the mix but in reality they almost always do. It is hard but you have to think of her quality of life first and what would be in her best interest if you have gone as far as you can. It is a decision many of us have to make and it is never easy--been there myself and had to make it in July for our sweet Jack Russell Terrier who was nearly 16.

My prayers for you your family and your sweet girl.
Getting worse I think. Finally found a real dog crate we could borrow and have her in that. She's showing NO interest in leaving it, which is NOT her normal attitude at all thus I find it a very bad sign.

I think healing is out... so I'm sticking to pain-free thoughts.

If she's hurting, not going to heal, then we'll have to put her down.

BUT if she's immobile but NOT hurting then DH can build her a wheelie.
So sorry this is happening to you, hun.

We just had to euthanize my first hedgehog, Raphael. First he was cold - we thought attempted hibernation, which is lethal in domestic hedgies. When he got warm, but never got better, we knew something was up.

After a week of hand feeding by syringe every 2 hours, Raph was getting worse. His front half was becoming paralyzed. He could barely move either of his front feet, never both at the same time. He could barely lift his little face. He was getting urine burns on his back feet, to the point were his skin was starting to peel. We suspected cancer. He was just in so much pain.

It wasn't fair to him to make him suffer like that anymore, just so we could have a few more days with him.

I know it's not the advice you want to hear - but it is the quality of their life that counts - not quantity. It's a hard thing to do. I can't imagine if it was my pup.
Maybe, maybe not...my dogs LOVE their crate. If they're not feeling 100%, they prefer to be in the crate as opposed to being outside of it. Maybe she's feeling safe and secure and enjoying her new digs?
Maybe, maybe not...my dogs LOVE their crate. If they're not feeling 100%, they prefer to be in the crate as opposed to being outside of it. Maybe she's feeling safe and secure and enjoying her new digs?

I am thinking she probably knows no one will touch her there and she wishes to avoid too much pain. In a way its a safer haven for her but it is no life to be enjoyed living in the crate for long if there is no way to remove the pain. Having been in veterinary medicine and behavior for many years I think a decision needs to be made sooner than later, I am so sorry.

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