January 2017 Hatch-a-long

I'm lucky that I worked a short shift today since I had 2 babies hatch at 4am! A buff orpington and a silver penciled rock (both from MPC). This is my first time hatching eggs, my last babies I got were already a week old from a local breeder. How long does it take before the babies will eat and drink? I left them in the incubator for about 10 hours and moved them to the brooder since they were knocking the other 3 eggs around so much. They have no interest in the food or water yet. How long before I should be concerned about them not drinking?
So precious! Dip each if their beaks in their water - this usually gets them started.
No, his name is Rick. We're huge walking dead fans.

Love this!!!
Does anyone know how early is too early for treats provided they have grit? I found a recipe that is supposed to be really good for boosting their immunity it has cottage cheese /carrot/ nettle/oregano/oatmeal and garlic... I'm thinking I'd like to offer them their first serving tomorrow, is that too early?

In other news, one of my incubators goes on lockdown tonight! It contains 2 BCM eggs and 1 WTB. Wish me luck! Still waiting on my other OE chick to pip otherwise 4/5 successfully hatched under my broody...

I would stick with a pretty simple chick starter diet and your choice of water enhancements (nutri-drench or save-a-chick probiotics and electrolytes, etc.) until they're fairly fully feathered. "Garlic" sends up a red flad for me for chickens in general. If you feel like you have one who is failing to thrive, you can serve up some finely mashed scrambled egg too.
I would stick with a pretty simple chick starter diet and your choice of water enhancements (nutri-drench or save-a-chick probiotics and electrolytes, etc.) until they're fairly fully feathered. "Garlic" sends up a red flad for me for chickens in general. If you feel like you have one who is failing to thrive, you can serve up some finely mashed scrambled egg too.

I use hard boiled eggs mashed up really well and a little splash of Braggs in the water. Also I use FF from their first feeding on. They don't really need treats but I figure mashed eggs is pretty safe since that's what they live off of in the shell.
What is FF?

Fermented feed. There are other forums with a wealth of information about it. I'm doing it for my chickens. It's easy, better for the chickens, makes their poop smell better, and helps make the food last longer. On the downside it does have an interesting smell and takes a little more work than just dumping dry pellets into a large feeder.
Ok, I decided I'll wait until they are about a week old... What do you mean, Orr, I was under the impression that garlic is really good for chickens?

Okay, my red flag was for layers (the jury is out on whether or not the taste transfers - like onion). You might want to start a thread in one of the nutrition forums about what age is best to start varietal feedings. I kind of view my chicks like infants - wait a while until their digestive system works before giving them dairy, etc.

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