January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

Late to the party as I always am with hatch-a-longs but I've got a dozen pretty little eggs in the incu at the moment. Theyll likely hatch either the last day of January or the first two of February. These are going to be sold to friends who have been wanting chicks but didn't want to risk the dead-chick-in-a-box issue with hatcheries. Barred/EExBarred and Black Sexlink/EExBarred.

Also, the lone chick who hatched from the november hatch-a-long and popped out about a week early.. she's still a runt but is a ball of fire and spite. She has some wonky toes (weird curly deal when she walks and sometimes they are curled toward the center or outward at a strange angle when she stands.) probably from hatching prematurely. You can see one curly toe on the foot closest in this picture. Doesn't slow her down at all though! Shes a quick little thing.
Another one late to this party, tho the party started for me on Dec 26 when I started incubation of 10 Ameraucana eggs. They were shipped eggs from Florida to me here in Ohio, and none broke in transit...every single one was developing nicely and very vascular today when I candled them at 11 days in! Praying they all hatch OK. Many had saddle air cells, but with the new info I got on assists in Learning Center here, God willing they will all make it! ..They were the "expensive eggs" and are in my RCom incubator.


I also have another 18 shipped eggs in my "new" home-made incubator. I got these shipped to me also from Virginia and they were the less expensive eggs. I basically got them to test the home-made incubator as my first hatch in it. The plan is to sell the chicks after they hatch to some local folks, but who knows...I may turn into a chicken hoarder :p. These eggs stopped at 7 different postal facilities according to the USPS tracker on the way to me. The seller packed them very well, and amazingly even with all that travel, not one was broken or cracked! I also did the obligatory "shipped eggs 24hr settle with fat end up" before setting these in the incubator on Jan 4. I am going to candle them on 1/10 at 5 days in to see if any are developing and mark the air cells.
The Home Made inkybator below...

And the eggs within...

We are having a cold snap here and when I got up this morning to check the incubator the temp was down to 93. Not sure how long the temp was so low. Just hoping that some will still hatch. I candled and only 3 were still moving. I am going into lockdown today so I am hoping to get some chicks on Sunday.
:fl prayin they make it for you!
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My temps been a little on the low side too, they're supposed to lockdown tomorrow, hatch the 12th but I think they'll be late.
Yeah that looks more like a day 14 egg. But sometimes they surprise you. Definitely a lot of growing to be done still but veins look excellent. Are you happy with the air cell size (if you've been tracking progress)? Should hatch well for you whenever it decides to make an appearance.
Ordered 6 eggs from MPC that are supposed to be sent this week, though I haven't gotten any shipment notifications yet. I selected 3 "our friendliest" plus 3 mystery, so I don't know what I'm actually gonna be setting. :p
I LOVE MPC! I have ordered tons of chicks over the years but no eggs from them yet. I am very temped to try eggs. I don't have a bator yet.
Yeah that looks more like a day 14 egg. But sometimes they surprise you. Definitely a lot of growing to be done still but veins look excellent. Are you happy with the air cell size (if you've been tracking progress)? Should hatch well for you whenever it decides to make an appearance.
I've been weighing them to track weight loss. My last few hatches temp was too high so this is a cautious experiment to adjust things to optimal. We moved so the altitude and weather are taking some adjusting to for hatches.

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