January Hatch-a-long 2018

I have 9 fertile eggs left, out of twelve and its night of incubation day 23!! What to do?? It’s my first time incubating but I’m using a Brinsea brand, and its the newest version. I have three Muscovy duck eggs that are fertile, that’s what’s left out of 8. They are due in about 10 days, the 1st of feb... 2018. For them I’m using the older brinsea incubator, the octagon version. I’m just not so sure about those chicken eggs... any tips?!?

Does anyone know what the typical range for expected hatching is? Like from 19 days to 25 for example?
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Here is a question, for those who are hatching and those who have hatched... anything you would like to do different next time, or anything you would like to try?

Next time I would avoid setting eggs collected during an artic blast...I'm also planning on giving in and upgrading to a better incubator than what I have currently. Sometimes hatches don't go the way we hope/plan, and you have to evaluate what went wrong.

It's why buying hatching eggs is always a gamble, even when you do everything right...it doesn't always go the way you think it will.
This spring I will have easter egger crossed with polish and silkie. Although I do need a second line of blue copper marans So is there any way I could buy any off of you? I would also have full bred polish and silkie. Those birds are beautiful I am super Interested.
Ohhhh yippeeeeee!!!!! Yes, they are so lovely - I LOVE my Marans.

I would love to wait and get 3 polish and 3 Silkie. PM me your details and I’ll send you 6 BCM on As soon as I have 6 (after fulfilling orders). Ohhhhh this is fun
Alrighty! That sounds great! I have silver laced polish and white partridge blue and buff silkies. I will be getting more polish here soon. They will be frizzled as well! Would you like to exchange numbers or emails or direct message me from this site and we can swap info and details and all the works? Thank you so much!
It’s Day nineteen! I’m hoping to maybe see a beak today?! These chicks in these eggs are really making me go crazy! I saw one roll and I think it was just teasing me lol. Oh well soon enough they will be out and loveable!
97213AE3-AF6B-43BF-AF62-264E47FED7AB.jpeg Oh Lordy. I’m sitting in the living room (so not to wake my lovely Sweet) - my bator is in my closet. I can’t hear any cheeping, but my bator fan is VERY loud . Before I went to bed last night (day 20) I was staring at the eggs laying their in all their stillness- aaaaaaaggggggh, I just wanted one of them to wiggle a bit- and spotted the first pip!!!!!!!! Oh my GOODNESSS. I want to go and check the bator soooooooo badly. The struggle is real

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