Japanese Bantam Thread!

hahaha that's too good!
I know @AK FLOCK SWAP has some pretty nice japs....all colors....but I don't know if they sell. you should ask!
Does anyone have any white Japanese bantam eggs they might want to part with this Spring? I wanted to hatch out some chicks for my kids to see. I would like six eggs. The reason for white is because that is the opposite of what we hatched last year. We did blue cochin bantams last year and returned the chicks to the breeder. I will pay for the eggs as long as the cost is reasonable. I am in East TN and would like to drive to get them vs shipping.
hey all! here are my japs hatched on new years.
people are saying I have too long legs, wings and backs......my other jap grew just like this and is fully proportioned. they are 3 weeks old


does anyone elses jap do this? when its warm out his tail curls more....when its cold out his tail stands straighter like this....

this is the same chicken in both pics!

its weird!
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I ordered 10 of these back in August of 2013. All were cockerels but 3. I kept 5 cockerels. One pictured here and 4 being held in reserve. They are so pretty I can't decide which one to keep.
At 23 weeks old (they'll be 24 weeks on the 5th of Feb.) they are all laying eggs. Avg wt is 0.85 ounces at 1.6" long x 1.25" wide. The 1st egg came at 21 weeks of age. The cold, ice and snow doesn't seem to bother them as long as they can stay dry.

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