Japanese Bantam Thread!

I TELL YOU! WAY TO TURN A GOOD DAY BAD! I had found this morning instead of our planned 3 hour delay for school today we ended up not having any school. So, my mom told me we could go down to our breeders and bring him all our extra roos, which I had planned on also taking eggy our silkie to him as well.....he was beating up marshie all too much. so the other day I decided to take eggy to my breeder who was not open sunday, so I planned on taking him today. what made me decide to get rid of him was the fact that he was over mating his girl and was pulling feathers out way too much. eggy tried mating with marshe and she was trying to get away, so Cadbury came after eggy to get him off of her, protecting his girls from eggy's dumb brains. so when we went down to the coop we drove up to it and my mom had said for me to stay in the car so I didn't get my shoes all dirty and I could tell her which roos I would take. that's when she had noticed Cadbury. when I saw him I was thinking, wow he sure was rolling in the mud! then I realized he had blood caked all over his hackles! the back of his comb was chopped off by who knows what.....but I knew it was eggy. I stormed over to eggy and grabbed him by the tail with so much force I just walked to the box and threw him in. I screamed I hate eggy.....I wasn't trying to be mean to him, its just Cadbury is my pride and joy and he had hurt him! I just broke down after that and couldn't see my baby in the state he was in....of course the blood made everything look worse that it actually is...I think. then my mom told me to just keep one of the 5 roos from my new years hatch, which I was sole fully keeping 2 and temporarily keeping one to sell to another local BYCer here. well, she just shoved all the other roos into the box except for my two I wanted, leven and milkshake. then all she said was I told you so.....uh, sorry but you told me what? nothing. I had told her I needed to get rid of my roos...she never told me.... LOL anyways, I was ticked at eggy. wouldn't even look at him. im just mad that Cadbury can now not be entered into our state fair. ANGRY you have no idea. I am still crying as im typing this because I couldn't stand to loom at him In such a state. im sorry. sorry the gross pictures, but it was what I had seen.....im so upset! looked back in the coop after I got back from my breeders and it looks like a murder scene with blood speckled on the feeder, shavings, doorway, and nest boxes.

I've got 5 Roos. One I keep with the BTail girls. All the other boys hate him. When I turn him and the girls out for some sunshine and exercise, he get his full of it because all the boys want a piece of his hide. When they fight, a cock will grab the other's large comb, and whoops him good, trying to spur him in the side of the head to kill him. In the process, the comb can break off. I don't let the lil guy out with those roughens anymore, even though he'll give'em a good fight.
I've got 5 Roos. One I keep with the BTail girls. All the other boys hate him. When I turn him and the girls out for some sunshine and exercise, he get his full of it because all the boys want a piece of his hide. When they fight, a cock will grab the other's large comb, and whoops him good, trying to spur him in the side of the head to kill him. In the process, the comb can break off. I don't let the lil guy out with those roughens anymore, even though he'll give'em a good fight.
i'm looking at the pics and Wondering ...... 'why do you think you can't show him?'
I think he looks good enough to show .

PS; of course he needs agood clean up and neosporin/triple antibiotic applied to comb , face , ear lobes , wattles , legs and feet (plus any other wounded area) . First though an antiseptic bath will do wonders ..... after drying then proceed with comb and etc .
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FINALLY got my chicks today!!! Three little black Japanese Bantams that are healthy and lively! They sure were thirsty when I showed them the water!

Are their legs supposed to be that long when they are chicks? Will they grow into them? I got three out of the five that came, and I tried to get the ones with the shortest legs, but look at them!!! Especially the third chick, Yoru. With the second chick, Kurai, will the white toes turn black as they age?

In'ei (Meaning Shadow in Japanese) The smallest, blackest, and cutest of the trio!

Kurai (Meaning Dark in Japanese) Middle toes are white.

Yoru (Meaning Night in Japanese) Look at those legs!!!!!!

Hey ClickerChick: When Mine arrived, they were nearly the size of the Orpington Bantam chicks, and as they aged the Orps grew taller and taller, but the Japs growth was very limited.
FINALLY got my chicks today!!! Three little black Japanese Bantams that are healthy and lively! They sure were thirsty when I showed them the water!

Are their legs supposed to be that long when they are chicks? Will they grow into them? I got three out of the five that came, and I tried to get the ones with the shortest legs, but look at them!!! Especially the third chick, Yoru. With the second chick, Kurai, will the white toes turn black as they age?

In'ei (Meaning Shadow in Japanese) The smallest, blackest, and cutest of the trio!

Kurai (Meaning Dark in Japanese) Middle toes are white.

Yoru (Meaning Night in Japanese) Look at those legs!!!!!!

are you sure these are Japanese Bantams ? not trying to alarm as i could be mistaken in what i see .
Well, that's what I ordered! Google images is not much help, as it seems that almost nobody has pictures of newly hatched Japs online. Who knows, maybe they sent me a different breed! (I wouldn't mind!)

There were some black tailed buff Japs in that order, too. I don't really remember what they looked like compared to the black ones.

It is possible they could have sent the wrong ones. We noticed that on the inside of the lid of the box was the order info - how many chicks of each breed there were - and we realized that they hadn't sent the whole order. They had penciled in the number 4 next to the "5 d'Anvers", and there were only four d'Anvers in the box. There was also a 1 next to the "3 Porcelains" (d'Uccles), and there was only one d'Uccle in the box (which had been trampled nearly to death and then died on the trip home. The only other dead chick was the "free exotic chick", a bantam Polish.)

If they are Japanese Bantams, I hope that they will grow into their legs!

Also, In'ei has been being a bully - pecking, almost tearing at Yoru's beak, and tore a bit of the skin on his face, making him bleed. I know that chicks can be like this, I've had chicks lots of times before, but how do I stop one chick from bullying the others? I'm afraid that she will seriously hurt one of her siblings overnight!

Thanks for any input!
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Well, that's what I ordered! Google images is not much help, as it seems that almost nobody has pictures of newly hatched Japs online. Who knows, maybe they sent me a different breed! (I wouldn't mind!)

There were some black tailed buff Japs in that order, too. I don't really remember what they looked like compared to the black ones.

It is possible they could have sent the wrong ones. We noticed that on the inside of the lid of the box was the order info - how many chicks of each breed there were - and we realized that they hadn't sent the whole order. They had penciled in the number 4 next to the "5 d'Anvers", and there were only four d'Anvers in the box. There was also a 1 next to the "3 Porcelains" (d'Uccles), and there was only one d'Uccle in the box (which had been trampled nearly to death and then died on the trip home. The only other dead chick was the "free exotic chick", a bantam Polish.)

If they are Japanese Bantams, I hope that they will grow into their legs!

Also, In'ei has been being a bully - pecking, almost tearing at Yoru's beak, and tore a bit of the skin on his face, making him bleed. I know that chicks can be like this, I've had chicks lots of times before, but how do I stop one chick from bullying the others? I'm afraid that she will seriously hurt one of her siblings overnight!

Thanks for any input!
i would call the hatchery and/or send them the pics ........... what happen to the black tail buff japs ? what kind of japs are the ones in pic suppose to be ?
Seriously they don't look anything like japs i've raised in the past ..... let us know what you find from the hatchery please .

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