Japanese Bantam Thread!

Oh of course I come in and see BTBs!! I swear I just can't find those suckers. I'd happily trade some Black Mottled eggs for some Black Tailed Buff eggs, or even a single pullet for some eggs.

I'm having issues with being able to take pics, but I hatched out 3 of the BMs for the Easter Hatch. Those black splotches are already getting bigger and darker. I think they're one of the coolest varieties to watch feather in.
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to say that I've read your Japanese Bantam thread cover to cover and enjoyed every bit. Recently, I have been completely won over by the intelligence, steadiness, affection, hardiness, and strength of flight, that I have seen in my BTB Japanese chick. I know, I know, can't draw too many inferences from a sample of 1, but the other chicks are complete featherheads compared to this one. (Still totally lovable, though, being chickens!)

The chick I have is a hatchery chick, not show quality, and intended to live as a pet, but after being so impressed by its personal qualities, I've decided I'd like to raise this breed more seriously in the future. Not for show, but just to promote the correct attributes.

Anyway, I wondered if you would be able to help me sex the chick, since I'm so inexperienced. I'm sure you are so bored by these requests, but I will appreciate it so much. The flush of color at the base just started coming in at 4 weeks. Does this positively identify him as male?

Sora is 4-1/2 weeks old. (First picture at 1 day old, the rest are current day shots.)
I wouldn't count on eggs :-]
Hey y'all! I've decided to post an update about my Black Japanese Bantams now that they are approximately 2 weeks old and have feathers! :) These two pics show the long legs well. The legs are longer than my Ameraucana Bantam's! The second shot is the best I have of a side view. (Please excuse the bedding on her wing :p) The Ameraucana is a much better poser than the Japs! :D This shot compares the leg lengths of the two breeds. This one kind of shows both the front and side of the Japs. Jeez, those long legs! Yikes! Good for keeping their body clean, bad for showing! :(
I'm thinking mine are both cockerels, since they are 2.5 weeks old and already have reddish combs... :/
I'm thinking mine are both cockerels, since they are 2.5 weeks old and already have reddish combs...

I had read they turned red early. Mine took 4 weeks - I guess he was a late bloomer. ¬_¬

I received mine from Murray, too. My parents' farm happens to be nearby so we can just run over and pick them up, which is nice for the chicks. I have the opportunity to tour one of their suppliers, so that will be interesting, too.

My Ameraucanas were the best posers too… coincidence?? <_<
I had read they turned red early. Mine took 4 weeks - I guess he was a late bloomer. ¬_¬

I received mine from Murray, too. My parents' farm happens to be nearby so we can just run over and pick them up, which is nice for the chicks. I have the opportunity to tour one of their suppliers, so that will be interesting, too.

My Ameraucanas were the best posers too… coincidence?? <_<
I think it's something to do with the breed's personality - the Japs are active and running around all over the place, and the Ameraucana just likes to cuddle! :)
lol Maybe it's because there are two of the JPs and only one Araucana, so she's sweeter on you.

My Japanese is the cuddliest and quiets down as soon as he's near me. He just doesn't strike poses the way the Araucanas do. He just stares at me like I'm completely baffling…

Actually, maybe it's just a gender difference… the pullets are probably only a few months away from posting selfies on Facebook.
I tried to get a video yesterday, but was laughing too hard. I let the young ones out to free range for a bit and one of my little mottled japs jumped up and latched onto one of my Brahma's tail feathers. She was so startled that she took off running with the little cockerel holding on.
He finally let go and raced after her with his little short legs. Poor fella.... he hasn't figured out that the tail feathers aren't the ones to grab, nor has he figured out that there is absolutely NO way he will ever be able to be "successful" with her.

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