Japanese Bantam Thread!

That would be really nice, it really beats him up being alone, don't worry! I will give hime 2 or 3 hens from our first batch of home hatched chicks to him(they will be full sized but he won't mind, so long as he has a flock!).

Sounds good. My late bantam Cochin loved his BIG girls.
Might have to make a Bachelor pen. Had one of what I thought was a girl crow this morning. No comb or wattle developing. But they were crowing away soon a course of roosters joined in.
If these 3 birds stay small will they be able to breed? I would love some mini Japanese !
Shogi is tiny 9 oz ( m)
Sagie is 6.25 oz ( m)
Kakio is the smallest at 5 oz ( f)
They will be 8 weeks on the 7 th.
My largest are my other roosters
Kia my btb is 15 oz
Negi my naked Grey is 14.5
Haku is 13.25
My known hens
Kagume is 10 oz
Lady Eboshi is 13 oz
Mononoki is 11 oz
Mae is 11 oz
My unnamed btb females both weigh 12 oz
The 3 unnamed black / gray girls are 9 oz.

Does anyone know what they should weigh at 8 weeks?
Thanks in advance.
At 8 weeks of age they will continue to grow and gain weight. Mine started laying at 5 months and gained in weight even after that.
Help with Tail Colour Genetics.

Have been trying to make some BLUE Tail White Japanese Bantams with no success and I am confused as to the reason.

I have a succeeded in making lots of Blue Tail Buff roosters and hens. But, my white birds always are pure white!!!

I have a single... now getting old, Blue Tail White Hen. I have mated her to White Roosters.. but all offspring are pure white... and their offspring as also pure white.

I accidently mated her to a buff Rooster, and all his young and their offspring have had blue tails.

I am getting worried now as my Blue Tail hen is getting on to be about 6 years old and I fear she will not be able to make eggs soon.

I have not been able to locate any more Blue Tail Japanese Bantams in my country!!!! (I live in Thailand). So I could really do with some advise ASAP.

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Help with Tail Colour Genetics.

Have been trying to make some BLUE Tail White Japanese Bantams with no success and I am confused as to the reason. 

I have a succeeded in making lots of Blue Tail Buff roosters and hens.  But, my white birds always are pure white!!!

I have a single... now getting old, Blue Tail White Hen.  I have mated her to White Roosters.. but all offspring are pure white... and their offspring as also pure white.

I accidently mated her to a buff Rooster, and all his young and their offspring have had blue tails.

I am getting worried now as my Blue Tail hen is getting on to be about 6 years old and I fear she will not be able to make eggs soon.

I have not been able to locate any more Blue Tail Japanese Bantams in my country!!!!  (I live in Thailand).  So I could really do with some advise ASAP.



Lots of knowledgeable folks on this thread - https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/927652/color-genetics-thread/1290
Try searching the tread or asking there.

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