Java Green peafowl questions

I am amazed and sad that for so-called mutations, which has so short-legged that they with the breast almost grind over the ground the people would like to pay more as for species-pure peacocks.
I think for a good pair realy pur Green Peafowl with different blood lines is a price from 1000 Dollar ok and for F1 or F2-3 generations from the wilderness about 1500 Dollar and more.
I was contacted tonight by a coworker of mine who said a lady that lived 30 miles from him stopped by and asked him if he knew anyone who raised peafowl. He mentioned me and she then said she had 2 imported Javas? that she had to get rid of,,male is 3,hen is 2,both came from California,,she has all paperwork on both of them and I will get it with the birds,,she paid over $2500 US for this pair,and says they are not spaldings,but pur imports. Also getting 2 eggs with them. I will post more info tomorrow on them and possibly some pictures if the weather is good but cloudy and rainy is forecast. This males train is supposed to be over 12' across and both birds are hand tame and like women since this lady is the only human they have been around. Could this pair be pure? Anyone know of breeders in California from a few years back that imported Javas?
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It is important to know from which country the peafowl were imported !!!!
If it possible please make good pics from the head the shoulders and the wings
But if you want really good Green Peafowl work with some breeders together and import of Pfauenfreund from Germany he got from me many good Pavo muticus imperator in differend blood lines direkt of Thailand the place of origin
" Then you know what you get "
These are great questions to ask Minx Fox on here. She's done lots of research! Hopefully she'll come along and share her knowledge.
Here I am!

Make sure you pay attention to what Pfauenfreund and Leo7 say. Leo7 is in Thailand and raises very beautiful Indo-Chinese greens (Imperators). So both of them know a lot of great knowledge about green peafowl.

It has taken me a while to find nice green peafowl in the US. At least, nice looking ones in my eyes. I haven't seen them in the wild or have green peafowl (yet), but I have looked at lots and lots of photos and have learned from both Pfauenfreund and Leo7 about green peafowl and how to identify a high % spalding from a green (Which can still be hard to do). The problem in the US is all of the hybrids, or Spaldings, makes it confusing. Many people want green peafowl but don't know exactly what to look for, and thus they end up buying a Spalding. Then they sell the chicks as "pure greens" and it ads to all the confusion and impure bloodlines. This is an issue because green peafowl are of course endangered. Some subspecies are endangered more than others, and some are extinct. They definitely need heat like others have said. When they don't get heat they get frostbite on their feet and they can lose all of their toes.

From what I have seen with green peafowl I will tell you this: You get what you pay for. If you pay $100 for one you probably just bought a spalding. The place I want to get my greens from sells theirs for $900 each and that is just birds that are a year old or younger! You must save up some money if you want the real thing, and of course it would be nice if there could be a big import to get green peafowl from Reinhold...I still say the United Peafowl Association ought to do that. Here are some prices that I have gathered. Some might be outdated as some places change their prices sometimes:

Here are photos taken off of websites of a few green peafowl breeders birds in the US.

Who I would recommend, and Reinhold has said also that he likes this breeder, is Read Mountain Peafowl. They are in Virginia so around 14 hours from you which is not too bad. Read Mountain Peafowl raises Javas. If you are not a member on facebook you can still view their page and look at their photos of their pretty greens. Here is their facebook page:
and also here is their youtube page (they have a few green peafowl videos on it):

When I went to Rocking BAB Ranch here in Florida, I got to see all three subspecies. I definitely do love the Javanese and the Imperators. The Burmese are nice but they are less colorful and have an overall darker look. All of them were very tall birds. What I personally look for and want in a green is a long crest, long legs, and nice bright blue on the wings. I had to fight myself not to buy some green chicks from them right away since I loved their birds so much. First I need more pens and everything but I still have green peafowl on my mind for sure. I am just glad to have found a great place to get them from. Anyways, when I went to the Rocking BAB Ranch for their farm day, I probably looked really silly because I brought along a clip board with papers for each green subspecies. I had photo reference taken from Reinhold's website along with a check list for each green subspecies. Here is the checklist page I used for the Javanese birds:

Basically remember not to go by just what the seller tells you. Know what to look for in the birds as far as color, height, etc. If they are being sold for cheep normally that is something you should question. Looking at a lot of green peafowl photos helps you figure out what you are looking for in a bird. Green peafowl are closer to being wild than India Blue peafowl and their varieties, so make sure the pen is safe for them if they get spooked and fly up. Josh at the BAB Ranch told me the main way he loses greens is if they get scared and fly up and hit something hard like the ceiling of the shelter and then it kills them. He said for shelters that they roost in always keep a dim light on in there at night to prevent them from hurting themselves.
Here are some articles on my site that might help:
1. Peafowl Vs. India blue.html
2. Dragon Birds' Plight.html
I have not got these birds home yet but the paperwork the lady who owned them is in German,they are both imported.I don't know who they came from,or what species of green they are yet but she paid $2500 for them less shipping. The Peacock is 3 years old,not sure of the hen is 2,or 3 years of age. I hope to get the paperwork tomorrow and maybe by this weekend get them here. They are both mean,so my work buddy says so they will be put in my Taupe pen because I do not have to go thru any other pens to get inside this one.Taupes will be relocated. The hen has now laid 3 eggs,the past owner kept two of them and she laid one yesterday which my work buddy is to bring me so I can get it inside the incubator. I suppose if they are moved she will stop laying for awhile? And they only lay maybe 12 eggs an entire season?

Take photos of them! The best photos for us to see what subspecies they are would be good photos of the wings on the male and female. Do you see any scientific name on the paperwork like "Pavo Muticus Muticus"? I am sure Reinhold could translate the paperwork or you could even use google translate if you want to know what it says right away. I would also use Freidrich's photo comparing all three subspecies wing feathers as an idea of what you got. That photo is at the bottom of his page here and you can click on it to see it better:
The Javanese and Imperators can be harder to distinguish but if you have Burmese you will know because they will not be so vibrant as far as color goes. Their blue wing feathers will be more lined with blue than filled with blue.

Why is she getting rid of such expensive birds though? Can she not care for them or does she not like their aggression? If you don't like their aggression I will take them hehe...I always knew those metal trashcan lids I use to cover the cans of my bird food would come in handy if I ever had an aggressive bird(s). I am not sure about anyone in California with Javas but it wouldn't surprise me...I think there are a lot of unknown breeders out there. There are breeders in New York, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, and Washington that I have read about as being nice green peafowl breeders but who knows. Sometimes a breeder imports birds and then sends a few off to another breeder and there are always people quitting the hobby or at least quitting with raising greens.

Paperwork is definitely a good sign in my opinion. FBC another thing is if the birds have colored leg bands. I think the imported birds come with colored leg bands which can also help you tell what subspecies they are. Normally the colors used are green, red, and yellow.
Oops yes I should have edited that to be more specific...the majority of the wing should not have barring and even so the barring is a bit different than that on India Blues. The wings should mostly resemble that of a blackshoulder peacock.

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