Java Thread

Glad to get that cleared up!

In the future, I would suggest you use more 'gentle' wording, as it is extremely difficult to convey tone and emotion through text. If you are saying something that could be potentially taken as offensive, the other person can't exactly see you give a friendly smile to soften the blow. There was a fight in the Dorking thread over a similar issue, in which one of their dedicated breeders seemed to be insulting and critical of everybody, --even though that wasn't his intention,-- because he was a straightforward and strong worded guy.
I prefer to err on the side of being overly-sweet when dealing with someone I don't know well, because I'm a serious person and am naturally endowed with a logical and thus, semi-abrasive, personality.

So thanks to everybody who helped to get the air cleared!
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I think things are better left alone. Its important that folks realize that BYC is cyberspace and that anyone can seem like anything if they want to or if you want them to. Its really important not to just follow someone who has a lot of letters by their byc name or who tells you they know something ... although some of them are fascinating and some will turn out great information. The world of the internet and reading to learn things is, IMO, getting us into trouble when we believe it all. Its important not to just come in here to 'crow' about how great you are but rather how great the birds are and be ready to talk and teach and learn and ask and hopefully all for the benefit of each other as well as the breed or breeds we choose to raise. I sound like I am on a soap box now. Sorry. Education is one of my passionate points. Just keep in mind that even 'perfection' is a matter of opinion that was ratified by a group at some point... and it might not even be what you believe when you think about it. Of course... that would make it tough to show your bird with any success then wouldn't it? ha Anyway, anyone got any good pics of MJ with long backs? That white up there is a tank but I am having a slow go of getting long backs.
I do not follow this post on a regular basis, but I noticed a lot of editing and pictures deleted. I do have Mottled Java and I know they are not "TRUE" Java's, as two chicks from a recent hatch are all white. That is 2 out of over 100. I do have several breeds, but they are all segregated . But some where along the line Mottled Java and white Javas began; as Javas were originally all black. This is according to the knowable individuals on this site. If anyone has any constructive information, I am interested in their input. Thanks in advance.
I do not follow this post on a regular basis, but I noticed a lot of editing and pictures deleted. I do have Mottled Java and I know they are not "TRUE" Java's, as two chicks from a recent hatch are all white. That is 2 out of over 100. I do have several breeds, but they are all segregated . But some where along the line Mottled Java and white Javas began; as Javas were originally all black. This is according to the knowable individuals on this site. If anyone has any constructive information, I am interested in their input. Thanks in advance.

I think I'd consider them "True Javas", if I'm not mistaken the original Whites came out of the Black Java and the Mottled were developed from the Blacks also, so why not.
I do not follow this post on a regular basis, but I noticed a lot of editing and pictures deleted. I do have Mottled Java and I know they are not "TRUE" Java's, as two chicks from a recent hatch are all white. That is 2 out of over 100. I do have several breeds, but they are all segregated . But some where along the line Mottled Java and white Javas began; as Javas were originally all black. This is according to the knowable individuals on this site. If anyone has any constructive information, I am interested in their input. Thanks in advance.
Well what is and is not a "true" Java is a matter of opinion. There are some of us that do historical research and based on our research, we believe these colors are just as much Javas as the Blacks. Save those white ones that hatched! Not enough of them around. I would recommend you check out the Java Breeders of America and become a member. We are working on a new website and resources. Feel free to message me.
What would I get covering my mottled javas with a white orpington roo thanks for helping. Lost in genetics
What would I get covering my mottled javas with a white orpington roo thanks for helping. Lost in genetics

A mutt with any number of various color possibilities depending on whatever dominant and recessive genes each bird carries and how those genes interact with each other. Chicken genetics is not as simple as the pea plant science lesson people learn in grade school.
What would I get covering my mottled javas with a white orpington roo thanks for helping. Lost in genetics

a large mutt, probably in shades of black, white... mottling is recessive. Black and white tend to be dominant. More fluff too. Orps are not as hard feathered as Javas.

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