Java Thread

I'm not sure. My Auburns are showing their colors(pardon the pun) pretty early on. I bet on the aggressive ones turning out roo.
My first hatch of the season left me with 5 hens out of 13... I hope these other two batches give me more, hens that is.
I want some help here. I need to pick a #1 and a #2 boy.
#1 will live with me and be used with my two girl to make my Trio.
#2 is going to live with a friend and I can barrow him if need be.
#3 will be found a good home where he can do rooster things.
I have numbered them 1,2,3 for identification purposes in the pics
Any input would be helpful thank-you in advance.
All boys are 8 weeks old
First up #1. He is the biggest. He is the boss roo, but is not mean. He loves to sit in my lap and get pets.He has big eyes, but not sure if it is a turtle eye. He has a few white tips.Bottoms of feet are solid yellow.


Next is number #2 he is also big a close second in size. He like to pick fights a little bit. He is nice to me, another lap chicken. He is darker colored overall,legs beak. Yellow on bottom of feet. His feathers have a bit of a purple sheen mixed in with the green. I thought his looks a little wierd.


And bringing up the rear we have #3. He is a bit smaller, but not by much. He has good size bone, just hasn't put the weight on like the others. A little more stand offish. He nipped me a few times, but we corrected that. No white tip that I see. Yellow on bottom of feet. Wierd comb.

Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone in the Java world know that I have started pairs and trios of White and Auburn Javas. I will give you guys a discount since you my peeps
. PM me if interested
Here is a link to the eggbid auction to a trio of Auburns
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Waiting for some of you experienced Java owners to answer grayhen's question about her cockerels..............
Afternoon Everyone... In regards to greyhenfarm's cockerals, it sounded to me like everything is already figured out? I don't want to disagree with what they have already decided. Their agenda makes all the difference in the world. Breeding for certain results, or culling for certain reasons...etc

I recieved this e-mail from garfield farms today. While, I knew about the show. I was unable to make it and should have posted earlier about it. Sorry for that.

~ bigzio
I was at the Garfield rare breed show that bigzio posted about. They had lots of started auburn, blacks and white chicks for $3.00 each. They even gave some away to someone and still had quite a few left at the end of the show.
knittychickadee...Now you really made me feel bad for not being able to go...
that is as good as it gets for great prices and quality birds...
Thanks for sharing the whole story first hand. What a great chance for folks that would only want a few birds...

~ bigzio

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