Java Thread

Hi! Welcome to the Java thread, and


We're glad to have you! You'll have to post pictures of your new fuzz balls.

I just got some new Javas in the mail today, actually, from Tamara (chickenlover54). Once I figure out which birds I get to keep and which go to friends I'll post some pics of them, too!
That sounds like an awesome hatch. I've had quite a few people hatch 7 of 8, or 8 of 8 of our Java eggs. Excellent results for shipped eggs.
Our Java's are a joy to have around. The boys are more stand offish, but the girls love the attention. Plus if you can free-range them, they eat very little.

Well, six of eight have now hatched, and they are all very active and healthy. One more has pipped, and the last one is cheeping. I think we're going to be at a 100% hatch rate! Will take pics tomorrow!
All 8 of our eggs have now hatched. It seems that one of the youngest ones has a bad leg, it isn't standing or walking too well. I don't think it's going to be a happy ending for this little chick, but the other 7 are doing great. Thanks for some great eggs zephyrcreek!
8/8 thats strong genetics
maybe some vitamin supplements for the little guy with leg problems, he might have been missing something in the egg . Congratulations on you hatch
Evening to All...My flock is looking good and growing well. Looks like I have 8 cockerals to choose from. I'm of course going with the largest one and closest one to the standard. White tips on the flight feathers seems common....I have at least one with none....slate legs and yellow feet will also enter the decisions.....maybe take enough time for them to develop for sure, might even take a hard molt first, before anyone is noodles... I'm enjoying them for sure!

~ bigzio
I have a question. I've heard that black feathers in a white bird is a DQ. Is that true for Javas? I know there's been some discussion that the white Java were once in the SOP but now are removed. The reason I ask is I have a wonderful looking white roo with one exception....he has two black feathers on his bum, within his tail feathers. I was so bummed since it took me forrrrrever to get him to this point and I only have the pair from a hatch gone wrong. Should I cull or try to breed them out by hoping the next generation won't have any? My only hen is pure white and pretty. Both the hen and roo have softly grey legs with yellow feet. What would you do? Not bother and get a new roo? If so, I'll probably have to wait since the ones I've found are cockerals and not roosters like this bad boy.
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Im Pretty Sure Thats a DQ ! You can breed that out over time (or pluck then out before a show. I dont recommend that though)

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