Java Thread

I have used vasoline on roosters combs and waddles to helps save them from frostbite, , but our temperatures in southern Indiana don't drop as low as they do further north.

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I have used vasoline on roosters combs and waddles to helps save them from frostbite.


Sorry, but it's "wattles", not "waddles". That's something ducks do, waddle.


Jen, you are correct, thanks for the spelling catch (wattles). I apologize I usually run my post through my Word Spell Check but I thought I would do a quick check on the thread and a quick post so I didn't spell check this post. I had kids and grandkids over for the holiday distracting me and didn't catch my error, too many things going on at one time.

Chilly Evening Here. Time to throw some more wood on the fire...
no big deal javachick...I knew what you ment
I've spelt it that way already too....and was corrected...

Sure wish it was spring. Taking care of two coops in frigid temps makes you ask yourself, wht were you thinkin....

~ bigzio
Good Evening from Indiana.

It is cold here tonight too. I just put a couple logs on my fire.

I was reworking my bird pens today. My sister asked me to house her 3 silkies and 2 seramas for the winter in my barn. She said that the serama pullet kept flying out of her pen, a chainlink 10 x 10 x 6ft dog kennel. I went over and picked up the birds and she asked me why I thought her silkie hens (2) were not laying yet. Well... maybe because you have three silkie roosters? We giggled and I suspect this is why her little serama pullet was trying to fly-the-coop. lol

Update on my Black Java project: 11 baby BJ chicks to date, with 15 more eggs in the incubator.

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How do the Javas fair in the winter? Hardy? They are quickly moving up to be on my wish list! And we are already frozen and snow covered here! grrrrrrrr:/
Mine continue to lay well with just a slight drop in production due to light. They took their time exploring what snow is all about, but now are out in the run every day. One hen went broody in November, so I gave her 5 Java eggs which hatched on Thanksgiving weekend. She's mothering the chicks very well.
Hi Jen,

Right now I am using an on loan BJ rooster and I am not sure when he has to go back, so I might not have any breeding pens going until the chicks I am hatching now grow up. If I still have the BJ rooster this spring I would have extra eggs now and then but I am more interested in egg swapping than egg selling. I will post on the Java Thread if and when I have extra eggs.

Is anyone interested in starting a list of Java Breeders on this thread who want to swap Java eggs this spring (2011)? or is that something that would go somewhere else on the forum?


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