Java Thread

we have 2 Java roosters, and one rooster of each other breed.. it was a family decision to try and raise multiple breeds, however, we were not sure how to seperate them to assure a purebreed status.. the javas came from purely Poultry, so i don't know if that would effect anything.. they were labeled mottled java, though honestly, the modeling is rather weak.. that's why were were looking for a good batch of Black Java to run with...
just a quick note to tell you guys that i have BJ hatching eggs available for shipment again. you can find my post over in the sale forum. do not want to be spammy here--talk to me there if you are interested.
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sorry, I ment to say that they are a mix of Java's. I have a neighbor who had some black java and was crossing them with the so called "auburn" java's. All of my birds are from that mixing of Java's.
I see what you ment. sorry I know getting the spangling on the auburns correct will take awhile but I'm going to give it a shot. I seen a few that Lyle has and they are looking prety good.
I love Lyles Auburns, they are beautiful. I love that he is trying to bring them back. I do wish both them and the whites were on the SOP. Something to shoot for in the future, right?

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