Jennifer or Angelina...?

You are, just look at those bangs!

Look under your username... that sure didn't take long.
BTW, are you a she or a he?

That happened the ther day due to another thread.
I'm a she, why??
I choose Jen also. I also just like her better. She does seem classier. Not to offend any Angie fans, but something just comes across as trashy to me. While she does do good charity work, (which has bumped her up in my list) there is just something about her that makes me think that Brad is the poor bedazzled and now befuddled husband and father to a flock of children. He doesn't look as vibrant in his pics with her as he did with Jen. And I don't believe age has anything to do with it. I think he's just a weary soul. However, if a big problem in Brad and Jens relationship WAS actually that she wasn't ready for children...with Angie, he has all the kiddos he probably ever dreamed of. then some

But I do like Jen better.
You are, just look at those bangs!

Look under your username... that sure didn't take long.
BTW, are you a she or a he?

That happened the ther day due to another thread.
I'm a she, why??

Oh, hadn't noticed until now. Duh on my part.

Just curious if about the he/she... couldn't tell by your username, that's all.
I must have gotten here accidently.......
I thought we were supposed to pick a name for a hen.......
I don't read up all (any) of the gossip stuff, but I think it is funny when people talk about the celeb's personalities. I guess you can get a general feel of what they might be like by watching the news or interviews, but I don't buy into it. Remember, these people are paid to act, and I doubt that during interviews and such they are always going to portray what they want people to see them as, so unless anybody has hung out with them, or talked to someone who has, I don't know that we can get a good feel for personalities.

NOW, with that said, I'd take on the debate any day that Jen is "nicer" than Angelina. The selfless stuff I've seen her do around the world seems way more nice than most of the stuff I've seen Jen do. My opinion: I think people apply their looks directly to their personalities. Jen has that "nice girl next door, bring home to mom look" while Angelina has a much more rebellious look (and her younger years were a bit crazy).

I think the bottom line is this: I'd trade them both for Jessica Alba.

By the way, my wife agrees with all of the above, but she likes Jennifer Garner better than all 3.

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