Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

jenesis536 - it looks like a Black JG Rooster.
Well from what I've read....the Jersey giants are slow to mature period. However....there must be a difference in the genetic line from from your info. I don't mind if they take longer to mature as long as they turn out healthy , look good and have pleasant dispositions.

I have a 16 month old Splash Roo from Maria Hall, a Blue Sandhill hen that is going on 2 years old, 3 8-month old roos and 1 pullet descended from Maria Hall (from KathyinMO), 3-9 month old Sandhill roos and 5 Sandhill pullets. My Sandhill pullets and hen are very friendly. They are tied with my Lav Orps as my friendliest birds. The other pullet is not as friendly but, not flighty in the least.
I don't get too friendly with roos. So, I can't tell you which are better. The 16 month Maria Hall Roo is the most skittish, though. I used to have a Sandhill roo as old as my Sandhill hen that was a big baby and let a leghorn roo bully him. So, I fed him treats all the time. I ended up selling him because he wouldn't leave me alone.
I know that I have too many roos...*sigh*.
One of these days, I'll get some pictures.


When you say the Sandhill roo would'nt leave you you mean he just followed you around like a puppy? OR...that he would attack you every chance he got?? I have tried both "ignoring" roos and also...picking up the roo and pampering daily. So far...the "pampered" roo was the nicest...but only to me. I hope to get one that is nice to everyone!!
It's not. It's a Lav Orp project bird that Tom got from me. But don't think I have not considered it. As a matter of fact, this latest generation Lav boy I have is as big as my JG ! !

Tom, the birds are looking great. Good luck with getting eggs and decided which cockerel to keep!
Tomhusker, I`ve been putting vasaline on my roo`s comb to help prevent frostbite.( Being from Jersey it goes with the black feather jacket) It has been down in the single digits here and it has helped so far. I do the girls to.
I've been using bag balm for my roo's comb. I don't think there is any one better than the other, as long as it's done.

Bill, that's great - always handy knowledge to have. Middletown has no regulations, either. I got that from the zoning board man. You might - for your own protection - actually speak to someone in the Zoning Board office to be sure.
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I've tried Vaseline, Bag Balm, and even an ointment that I got from a nurse friend that is used for burn victims...none of them have worked for me. My Jersey Giant & Marans roosters always get a bit of frostbite. I hate it, but only thing I can do is put a heat lamp on them from December through February, and no way am I gonna do that!

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