Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

pic 4
sorry she is molting
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Mahalo4 -

The first JG has a neat color, I have one with almost identical body type but lighter blue coloring. The second has very poor blue coloring, but it is fascinatingly beautiful too!
RE: flying high Yes some are I have a 5 foot fence they fly over all the time then to the top of the coop & then to my dismay 2 started to roost in our cottonwood tree & roost with our guineas so needless to say we have put them on restriction they only free range from 4p.m. till sundown about 2 hours a night a couple times a week! until further notice.
mahalo, I like the looks of pic 3 & 4, though it's a bit hard to tell for me unless it's more of a "conformation" shot (taken straight from the side).

Mine fly up to the lowest branch of my "chicken tree" (an old, dead tree that we "planted" in the run, adding some cross branches for perching), which is probably 18" high. The juveniles do tend to fly higher.
Wynette out of 3 & 4 which is more a true blue? I really like 2 for a splash what is your opinion? Oh & by the way these are 2nd generation starting with Your old flock & pamspride & Maria hall these guys are called "Dyers Giants" We are going more for size,color & confirmation now & adding another line in to up the size & color.
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3 & 4 are both acceptable. They both have nice lacing on their feathers, which is what I look for personally.

I have a very dark blue girl from Maria Hall and you can just make out her lacing....I think the darker blue the prettier, but that's just me, and I don't believe either of your girls would be marked down as being miscolored! original line was not good....I actually do not have ANY of them (haven't for more than a year now) I'm PM-ing you!

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