Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Ok thanks! I am in love with the big birds and am looking at the Jerseys for a possibility in the future
Hopefully they would get along well with my silkies?

My Jerseys are pretty laid back & get along well with pretty much everything they've ever been put in with.

That is great to know, thank you
A few more pics before the swap - boy or girl? Help me out - I'm so torn. The comb is bigger than the other pullet, but not red like the roo's. I can't decide!!!




(She/ he is 8 weeks old)
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Not sure about #1, but #2 and #3 look like boys to me. (but I have them the same age and some I'm still unsure of so NO expert by any means. Just giving you a vote my Florida friend!
Not sure about #1, but #2 and #3 look like boys to me. (but I have them the same age and some I'm still unsure of so NO expert by any means. Just giving you a vote my Florida friend!

That's just different light on the same chick. I don't know why the first picture is so dark. I'm sure of the genders on all of them but this one. It's kind of like the pictures - from one angle I think, "roo"
, in a differen light, "pullet"
Then I vote "roo". However...I have a couple that are the same...bigger comb than the obvious pullet. (and a couple of "for sure" pullets have really pink/red combs too). I'm keeping mine until 3 months at least to judge better. Good luck! Where is the swap?
I have 15 Jersey Giants so far all from the Vaugn strain

Here is Goliath my Black Jersey Giant Rooster He was hatched in 2009

And here is Color I didn't get any chicks out of him I sold him.


I have some others but where did my mom put the camera.
Chics, if I absolutley had to guess, I'd say cockerel also.

Lofty - I'd love to see a full body shot of your Goliath! What a pretty head he has!

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