Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Good morning, everyone!

I'm in Minnesota and have 12 Jersey Giant chicks for sale. Due to a shipping error I received 22 chicks, straight run from a breeder west of the Rockies. They cannot be shipped.

Ten are staying with me. Please PM me if you are interested. Have a warm(er) weekend!
I recommend a Jersey Giant rooster over a Jersey Giant hen.
yes AND if you can source the roo and hen from two different sources you are another step ahead in the game of getting better chicks out of hatched eggs
We are looking get some more chickens. We currently have Sex-links, Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. I was looking in to giants. Are they a lot bigger than other chickens? Do they have to be kept in a different area due to size or can the be in with the rest of the flock?
I keep all my chickens together - I have leghorns and lafleche chickens maybe 4-5 pounds right in there with Jersey roosters that are 12+ pounds at only 1 year of age (pretty sure I have three or four) BJG roos I named them all BigBoy because I can't tell them apart because they all look like an enormous block of shiny black feathers standing on two tree trunks
We are looking get some more chickens. We currently have Sex-links, Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. I was looking in to giants. Are they a lot bigger than other chickens? Do they have to be kept in a different area due to size or can the be in with the rest of the flock?

I keep all my chickens together - I have leghorns and lafleche chickens maybe 4-5 pounds right in there with Jersey roosters that are 12+ pounds at only 1 year of age (pretty sure I have three or four) BJG roos I named them all BigBoy because I can't tell them apart because they all look like an enormous block of shiny black feathers standing on two tree trunks

Ditto, I keep all my chickens together in one 30' x 40' pen, I did a head count today and it looks like 32 Jersey Giants. Some of my BCM and Ameraucana roosters like to squabble, but the JGs are the undisputed masters of the pen, and will break up any fights among the "lesser breeds". Most of my JG roosters are named Bigfoot or Bigfoot's brother!

This guy is a cross between a black JG and a barred Rock, and is quickly becoming one of my favorite roosters.

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