Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

So remember, the only dumb question is the one not asked! I'm not sure what the measurements are of your coop door, but chickens will squeeze thru things w/o squeaking to much ;) I cut a hole in the general flock pen last year, to allow them access to more area. I've got several JG cockerels that now have to stoop and hunker a bit to get thru the hole but it doesn't hinder them at all. It's what they're used to and as they get a little wider, I'm sure they'll figure it out.
I would love to have a rooster crowing but unfortunately....... Now if they are non-crowers I may have a money maker.
Maybe I should hold off on processing my extras just in case. ;)

I guess I'll just be more patient.
Well, I heard my first garbled crowing attempt this morning. I guess they aren't non-crowers. I did process a few of my culls yesterday including 2 extra roos (1 off color and 1 smaller) so maybe the ones that are left decided they better prove they were up to the challenge.
Ok.. yet ANOTHER dumb question from me...

I'm sitting here at work - in my reindeer antlers and flashing nose - bored to death because NO ONE comes to the landfill on Christmas eve. And so I'm surfing BYC and making my list (and checking it twice) for the chicks I want to get in the spring. Of course, a JG is right near the top of the list. But then I saw a post someone made about how funny someone else's roo (not a JG) looked coming out of the coop because he's so round that he takes up the whole pop door - and THAT's when the dumb question hit me. I have a pullet shut door - and I've never actually SEEN a JG 'in the feather'. Would there be a problem with her getting in and out?? My set up is such that she'd have to go up some 1/2 cinterblock steps on each side of the door.

Ok, dumb question asked - back to being bored
it looks like the pullet shut is 11 w x 15 H? My coop door is 12 w x 12 h and my JG has plenty of room to go in and out. (she's about 8 months, not fully grown, but she shouldn't get much taller I don't think)
Ok.. yet ANOTHER dumb question from me...

I'm sitting here at work - in my reindeer antlers and flashing nose - bored to death because NO ONE comes to the landfill on Christmas eve. And so I'm surfing BYC and making my list (and checking it twice) for the chicks I want to get in the spring. Of course, a JG is right near the top of the list. But then I saw a post someone made about how funny someone else's roo (not a JG) looked coming out of the coop because he's so round that he takes up the whole pop door - and THAT's when the dumb question hit me. I have a pullet shut door - and I've never actually SEEN a JG 'in the feather'. Would there be a problem with her getting in and out?? My set up is such that she'd have to go up some 1/2 cinterblock steps on each side of the door.

Ok, dumb question asked - back to being bored

LOL. I'm that someone that would go to the landfill (transfer station) on x-mas eve. HAHA. But suppose I was only at the recycling half of the place.

A JG girl will probably fit through chicken doors that a standard size rooster could go through. I mean, I had my 10.5lb cochin x wyandotte mutt regularly squeeze through a 8 x 9.5 inch nest hutch door to tell the hens that it was a good place to lay eggs. I've watched him do it, first it's his head, then one wing shoulder, the other and legs last as he drags himself through the tiny door. Chickens... birds have amazing squish into holes abilities. Second to rodents.
Does anybody on this thread know of a good breeder of Jersey giants near Tucson Arizona ????? I am looking for strictly show quality, any suggestions are appreciated:)
This summer I got a JG hitchhiker with my hatch of a small/medium breed. They are now 5 months old and the JG (girl) seems to be fitting in with them reasonably okay, but every day she stands out more because of her size. Will she be okay as the only Giant in a flock of smaller-sized birds or should I rehome her? She's a total sweetheart, I'd love to keep her.
This summer I got a JG hitchhiker with my hatch of a small/medium breed. They are now 5 months old and the JG (girl) seems to be fitting in with them reasonably okay, but every day she stands out more because of her size. Will she be okay as the only Giant in a flock of smaller-sized birds or should I rehome her? She's a total sweetheart, I'd love to keep her.
Your pullet will not know that she is the only 'amazon woman' in the group. I don't run my breeds together once they are feathered out 'cause I only keep breeding birds, but my JG's are extremely easy to get along with. I don't think you need to worry about her that way. If she is a 'good in type' JG you may need to be aware of how high your roost board is and also make sure it is quite wide and not too round. If she makes proper size her frame is very heavy and roosting birds can get the breast area damaged from a too narrow board or too high placement. For those few of mine that roost they have a choice of 18" or hop one higher to 24". Getting up is the easy part but coming down can be a giant 'thump' so just be aware and check her over now and again.
Enjoy your big-ish girl --- we need love to
Your pullet will not know that she is the only 'amazon woman' in the group. I don't run my breeds together once they are feathered out 'cause I only keep breeding birds, but my JG's are extremely easy to get along with. I don't think you need to worry about her that way. If she is a 'good in type' JG you may need to be aware of how high your roost board is and also make sure it is quite wide and not too round. If she makes proper size her frame is very heavy and roosting birds can get the breast area damaged from a too narrow board or too high placement. For those few of mine that roost they have a choice of 18" or hop one higher to 24". Getting up is the easy part but coming down can be a giant 'thump' so just be aware and check her over now and again.
Enjoy your big-ish girl --- we need love to

Thank you birdnbeast for the good advice! For now she gets up on the roosts without problems (they are all fairly low as the coop itself is set up off the ground) but I will definitely keep an eye on her, I want her to have it just as good as the rest of them! I am not sure what "good in type" means, I only know that the hatcher said his JG girls get to about 8 pounds and that his stock originates from Sandhill Preservation. I don't know JG's so I'm not sure if that is good or bad, I just know I really like the sweet character of this girl and am very happy to keep her as long as she's as comfortable and happy as the smaller birds.

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