Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

reinvestment, I'm glad he's working with you!

Regarding calcium, oyster shell is a much better source than feeding them back their shells. That's not a bad thing to do, many folks do that (I used to nuke them in the microwave for 15 seconds and then put them in a gallon ziploc bag & roller pin them to bits before refeeding), but the oyster shell is metabolized much more easily and has a higher concentrate of calcium. Because of this, oyster shell should not be fed to birds not in lay.

The fermented feeds thread is great - lots of good (and interesting!) information, but it's geared toward meaties, not so much for layers, so keep that in mind as you read through the posts there.

That said, meal worms, fly larvae, and even maggots are really good protein for chickens and they absolutely love it! There are folks who have designed maggot feeders - I know, it sounds pretty gross, and I don't know that I could make one, but it involves hanging covered buckets with rotting feedstuff inside, and holes drilled toward the top of the buckets...apparently, when they are just the right size to provide a tasty treat, they're able to crawl to the top & fall out of the holes....

I spoke with my DH this past weekend to see if he was at all interested in starting up a meal worm box for me since he'll be retiring very soon. He enjoys fishing, and would be able to use them for that as well, so here's hoping!
We have cougars in no, Ind. too. I saw the prints in the snow one year and started to inquire. Many have seen them in the daytime even. Have heard of no human tragedy, however, when they eat a carcass they eat even the bones. so if someone comes up missing and they are never found, it might not have been from a human!
The neighbors dogs got another 3 of my chickens. The neighbor is saying now that it could have been coyotes. I saw the dogs in my yard!! In talking with other neighbors they have reported the dogs in their yard, attacking bicylists and walkers along the road. The police say they will give them citations that cost around $100 which would be an incentive to keep them tied. When I quesioned him about the last 3 they took, he said they had been tied all day and once the girls had them loose to play! Now I have a liar. If I could find someone with a gun I would have them shoot them. They could easily tear someone to pieces and I fear for any small children.
I can't get anymore chickens until they are gone. Pray for me!
We have cougars in no, Ind. too. I saw the prints in the snow one year and started to inquire. Many have seen them in the daytime even. Have heard of no human tragedy, however, when they eat a carcass they eat even the bones. so if someone comes up missing and they are never found, it might not have been from a human!
The neighbors dogs got another 3 of my chickens. The neighbor is saying now that it could have been coyotes. I saw the dogs in my yard!! In talking with other neighbors they have reported the dogs in their yard, attacking bicylists and walkers along the road. The police say they will give them citations that cost around $100 which would be an incentive to keep them tied. When I quesioned him about the last 3 they took, he said they had been tied all day and once the girls had them loose to play! Now I have a liar. If I could find someone with a gun I would have them shoot them. They could easily tear someone to pieces and I fear for any small children.
I can't get anymore chickens until they are gone. Pray for me!
I don't know if anyone mentioned this already, but GET YOUR CAMERA OUT! Get pictures of the dogs on your property, and then shoot them. I wouldn't even mention it to the neighbor - just do it. (and...get to work securing your coop/run!! Sorry, I had to re-mention it....)
The two on the left look blue, the one looks black to me. Could be a very dark blue, but more likely a black I think.

Make sure to check their little bums; looks like there may be some pasty butt going on there. They can be messy!

I was thinking the same thing on the one chick its face looked dark.

Yes I noticed the butts also.

Had problems with hatch and had to help two out of the shells. They hatched last Wed and been in bator as there were only 3. Had a lot of infertile eggs and few look like they almost made it to the end before dying.

Plan on moving them tomorrow out of the bator.
Can anybody confirm this theory. My JG's are getting to 4 weeks now. Wing feathers are in, and tail feathers are growing or have started to in the last few days. However some appear to have no tails while others have them. Would the ones with out tail feathers be Cockerals, and Pullets are the ones with Tail feathers?
We have cougars in no, Ind. too. I saw the prints in the snow one year and started to inquire. Many have seen them in the daytime even. Have heard of no human tragedy, however, when they eat a carcass they eat even the bones. so if someone comes up missing and they are never found, it might not have been from a human!
The neighbors dogs got another 3 of my chickens. The neighbor is saying now that it could have been coyotes. I saw the dogs in my yard!! In talking with other neighbors they have reported the dogs in their yard, attacking bicylists and walkers along the road. The police say they will give them citations that cost around $100 which would be an incentive to keep them tied. When I quesioned him about the last 3 they took, he said they had been tied all day and once the girls had them loose to play! Now I have a liar. If I could find someone with a gun I would have them shoot them. They could easily tear someone to pieces and I fear for any small children.
I can't get anymore chickens until they are gone. Pray for me!
You really need to get an electric fence.They are easy to put up and very effective and most of all powerful. My dogs refuse to go within 10 feet of our coops because of the snap they got investigating the runs. I put one layer of wire close to the ground, one at dog nose level and on at the top.. No dog wants to get zapped and trust me it is a load snap of electricity followed my yelping and running away. They will not bother your chickens after that.
Can anybody confirm this theory. My JG's are getting to 4 weeks now. Wing feathers are in, and tail feathers are growing or have started to in the last few days. However some appear to have no tails while others have them. Would the ones with out tail feathers be Cockerals, and Pullets are the ones with Tail feathers?

Not sure on that one, both my birds feathered equally, both their tails took forever to come in. They're a male and a female. The male was very easy to pick out, he had a big comb at 2 weeks.. of my mixed flock he's the only one with miniature wattles at 7 weeks, everyone else is just now starting to pop little wattle buds.
Well crap then. All their combs are about the same size on mine. I was hoping the tails would be a tell tale, since I guess you can sex Java's that way. And Java's where one of the breeds used to make the JG.

I gotta cut off the zipties today/tomorrow anyway since they are growing into them already. I may just leave them off then.

I really wanna know how many roosters I have so I can start to seperate them out and get them to knew homes rather quickly.


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