Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

countrydream, it's never a bad idea to start with hatchery birds to see if you like the breed, or chickens in general. Many folks "poo poo" buying hatchery birds and are all arrogant about heritage type birds; I view the hatchery stock and the heritage as both having their place. Some folks simply want some fun birds that lay yummy eggs - hatchery stock is just fine for that, and often lays much better than the heritage type since the hatchery birds are mostly bred for good egg laying capability. I always recommend to anyone just starting with chickens to start with hatchery stock for the first couple of years and see if they like them, long term. Take care of them for a few seasons - all year long - and be sure that you can afford them, that you don't mind taking care of them through the winter, and can deal with basic medical issues such as injuries, parasites, etc. Once you're sure you like them and want them long term, THEN seek out some nice quality heritage-bred birds.

countrydream, it's never a bad idea to start with hatchery birds to see if you like the breed, or chickens in general. Many folks "poo poo" buying hatchery birds and are all arrogant about heritage type birds; I view the hatchery stock and the heritage as both having their place. Some folks simply want some fun birds that lay yummy eggs - hatchery stock is just fine for that, and often lays much better than the heritage type since the hatchery birds are mostly bred for good egg laying capability. I always recommend to anyone just starting with chickens to start with hatchery stock for the first couple of years and see if they like them, long term. Take care of them for a few seasons - all year long - and be sure that you can afford them, that you don't mind taking care of them through the winter, and can deal with basic medical issues such as injuries, parasites, etc. Once you're sure you like them and want them long term, THEN seek out some nice quality heritage-bred birds.
So well put. Our birds are not show quality but came form a show line. That's if I believe the EBay add
. I realize I am not into the show birds now and I am glad I didn't waste money on a good line of birds.

What kind of temperament do JG roosters have? I bought 2 chicks this spring along with the other chicks this spring. I was hoping for hens and started calling them Snooky but it looks like we have 2 Situations. Their saddle feathers are not as obvious as some of my other roosters and one started crowing this AM. They seem to mature slower than the other chickens. He sounded like he was being strangled. The girls were not impressed. I am worried about the girls they are half again as big as the other chickens and they are only 4 months old. We have a lot of RIR, Buff Orpington, Wyandotes etc.
JG's roos are somewhat high strung in my book, they are always raising the alarm when people come around or if there is a noise near by. They are fine with the gals and watch over them. My oldest keeps the younger ones away from the food until his girls are done. As far as crowing, all birds start off with a weird sounding crow . My JG roo stated with a funny squeak sound and now has a deafening crow. You can't hear anyone talking 2 feet away when he lets it rip. He even was louder than our pastor with a mike at blessing of the animals day, never going to bring him again. We got a RIR cockerel this summer from craigslist. Someone lied to two ladies and sold them 6 RIR pullets, they have 5 cockerel and one pullet. We took the big boy for our egg layers. He had a wussy sounding crow I was afraid he would get beat up by the 8 layers, he was only 8 weeks old. He went at it with them and took on Big Red our top boss layer. Less than two minutes and he was king of the coop.We had a few Jersey Girls that were around 10 weeks so I gave them 2 because they wanted layers and in our case they would have been dinner in 10 more weeks.
My Giant males are pretty laid back with people, but I have to say I raise them to be wary of humans from the very beginning. It would CERTAINLY not be fun to deal with a 15# cock bird slamming against you with giant spurs if they were nasty. Mine typically get upset when I enter the pen, pacing back & forth, but on the FAR side from where I'm doing whatever I'm doing. I can pick up the hens, and they get a bit more upset, but don't come at me - ever. I find them to be good protectors of their females, and good "watchdogs" for airborne & other predators.
Its good to hear that they will probably be mellow. They are rhe youngest of our chickens and were at rhe bottom of the pecking order but as they get bigger they are working their way up to the top.
If you're wanting some nice backyard layers, you'll enjoy the birds from commercial hatcheries; however, if you're wanting to breed, show, preserve a heritage line of them, you'll want to get some birds from a breeder who knows what they're doing. If that's what you're interested in, a really good place to start is by attending some local APA-judged shows in your area. Look at the Giants on display, after they have been judged & the placings are marked. If you like what you seen, hang around the cages & try to speak with the owner of the birds you like, and possibly make arrangements to get some birds or hatching eggs from them.

Wow, thank you. Do you sell in small quantity? I would like 4-5 if you do. I will PM you.
I've been reading this thread for a couple of months. I currently have 6 week old JG's from Cackle Hatchery: 4 black pullets, 2 white pullets and 1 black Roo. I hope to raise them for eggs and meat as well as hatch some of my own to perpetuate the pure line of the breed. I'm new to this whole "chicken thing". But completely obsessed. I'm in California and would like to find a few Blues and Splashs' to add.
4-hmother, can you post some photo updates of this chick? I have a 5+ week old chick that I think may be a black jersey giant and she barely has any feathers! But she looks a LOT like your chick in the photo you posted back in May! Is it normal for Jersey Giants to take over 6 weeks to get feathers? How long does it take?THANKS!!!!

Sorry I has taken me so long to reply.
I no longer have this blue cockerel.
I got a hold of the Jersey Giant Club, (sorry no clubs for me, been there & done that) there is no one very near me with the Whites. If I were to get some from a hatchery could I breed them to the blacks and get white to brred on and build up to the standard?
I got a hold of the Jersey Giant Club, (sorry no clubs for me, been there & done that) there is no one very near me with the Whites. If I were to get some from a hatchery could I breed them to the blacks and get white to brred on and build up to the standard?

If you want quality birds, you will not be happy with birds from a hatchery. Do you incubate? I would purchase some hatching eggs, personally. If you don't incubate, consider putting an ad up on Craigslist looking for someone to incubate eggs for you. Lots of folks will be happy to do that for someone; typical charge to do this in the Midwest (my area) is $1/egg.

There's someone on here working on whites...I want to say he's from Iowa, he hasn't posted in very long time, but he may have nice stock.

ETA: I also believe that Frank Reese still breeds the whites. I think he has a FB page with pics.
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If you want quality birds, you will not be happy with birds from a hatchery. Do you incubate? I would purchase some hatching eggs, personally. If you don't incubate, consider putting an ad up on Craigslist looking for someone to incubate eggs for you. Lots of folks will be happy to do that for someone; typical charge to do this in the Midwest (my area) is $1/egg.

There's someone on here working on whites...I want to say he's from Iowa, he hasn't posted in very long time, but he may have nice stock.

ETA: I also believe that Frank Reese still breeds the whites. I think he has a FB page with pics.

I understand about the hatchery birds. Yes I hatch. I do not like shipped eggs, they do not hatch to well. I am really only a hobbyist but I would like semi-SQ birds and do not want to pay a fortune for birds or eggs. I have heritage Black Jersey Giants and thought maybe some roosters from a hatchery and keep 1 or 2 good ones (the best ones) to breed to the heritage Black hens would get them up to quality. Just thoughts and thought I'd ask. By the way, I don't show and have no interest in showing. Nothing against folks who do and like to.
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