Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Hi all, well I find I have two Black J.G.'s, one cockerel and one pullet. Thing is, I'm new to this breed. They are twelve weeks old and I'm wondering when they will get tail feathers. Is it normal to grow them so late? They are huge, far bigger than their Marans clutch mates. Their legs are like tree stumps, yet they aren't filled out at all yet. I know I have to be patient. But what's with the no tails?
Hello, fellow Giant folks!

Hope y'all are doing well!

I attended the Michigan Poultry Fanciers Fall Fowl Fest this past weekend, showing a pullet and cockerel; placed BB and RB...however, there were, unfortuantley, only 3 total shown.
Still & all, they looked fantastic at the show! Did I get pics? Of course not. I forgot.

I'll be firing up the incubator in January or February this year & hoping to put at least 50 on the ground. Anyone else doing the same or more?
Hi all, well I find I have two Black J.G.'s, one cockerel and one pullet. Thing is, I'm new to this breed. They are twelve weeks old and I'm wondering when they will get tail feathers. Is it normal to grow them so late? They are huge, far bigger than their Marans clutch mates. Their legs are like tree stumps, yet they aren't filled out at all yet. I know I have to be patient. But what's with the no tails?
They develop slow at some things. I know I had a few in my last flock that didn't grow tail feathers right away. In fact all but one. Turned out there were 6 boys and 1 girl.
Hello, fellow Giant folks!

Hope y'all are doing well!

I attended the Michigan Poultry Fanciers Fall Fowl Fest this past weekend, showing a pullet and cockerel; placed BB and RB...however, there were, unfortuantley, only 3 total shown.
Still & all, they looked fantastic at the show! Did I get pics? Of course not. I forgot.

I'll be firing up the incubator in January or February this year & hoping to put at least 50 on the ground. Anyone else doing the same or more?
I don't know when I'll be firing up the incubator the winter, but I am hoping for better luck, and less fluctuation in the laying. I am going to go into winter with 8-12 hens this year, and 9 were hatched this year. My goal is to put at least 50 on the ground, but the logistics might make that a little harder.

It is looking more and more like no Blue roosters are going to make the cut, so just Blue and Black this year again.

I do have 8 eggs in the bator right now hoping for 6 chicks. Hatch on Thursday.

Did you show anything besides Giants?
Yes, I showed a young Black Copper Marans K (placed reserve variety) and a pullet (placed 2nd for pullets). The neat thing was that a young man who I sold an adult breeding pair of Marans to about 18 months ago showed a pullet out of them, and he won RESERVE CONTINENTAL with her!

Also, a woman who purchased Silver Penciled Rock hatching eggs from me 3 years ago showed a 2-year old cock bird from that hatch, and won BB with him. So all in all, it was a VERY good show for me!
Since you're all sharing, I thought I would go out on a limb and show you my 16 week old JG's. I have 5 blacks and 2 whites. These are only my second flock of chickens. I'm really enjoying them. I do have a of my white JG's has several black feathers. Could I eventually, through several generations, turn that into something like spashes?



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