Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

3/4 of my 52 1st jersey giant hatching of the year are chirping away I my hatcher. First hatch from my blue Roos over my black and blue hens. Only a few splashes so far, since I only have a few blue hens. Fun to have my first fuzzy butts of the season. Will put a pic up tomorrow when I get them out of the hatcher.
I have 55 more that have been in the incubator for a week and putting in 52 more tomorrow.
Did you put 52 in, or is that what made the cut after candling? Where did you birds originate from? What do you use to incubate?


Black, blue and splash Jersey giant chicks
I put 52 in the hatcher that passed candling at 2 weeks, didn't have time to candle when putting in hatcher. Have 48 hatched so far, 25 blacks, 3 splash and the rest blues. I only have 3 blue hens to breed to my blue Roos so only a few splash chicks---which I'm keeping all of. Keeping 10 blues and the rest are already spoken for. Love my fuzzy butts!!
Did you put 52 in, or is that what made the cut after candling? Where did you birds originate from? What do you use to incubate?


I use a gqf 1502 incubator and my recent purchase of a refurbished older gqf hatcher. Very happy with them.
My birds are from three different places, I started with a few hatchery blacks and loved them so then purchased 18 from a breeder in Terrell Texas. Then last year got chicks from Taylor hobby farm to get blues. Using blue Roos over 15 black hens and 3 blue hens. Want to raise more of the blues and all of the splashes that I produce this year.
Does anyone on this thread know of a breeder of Black JG's in Wisconsin? If/when one of our Delawares go broody this spring we would like to find some near by we could get eggs to set. Thanks in advance.
Ok, gotcha. That does make sense. I do love them though. We've got a Black Australorp roo right now. The shiny black feathers with the green in them when the light hits it and the bright red comb and waddles is just so striking!

Ok, so maybe I'll focus on the Brahmas for meaties and just get some JG because...............well, because they're big and beautiful!
My Black Australorps are nearly as beautiful as my Black Langshans (same beautiful black with hint of green feathers) and they BA lay a little better more eggs and larger eggs. Will it last for as many years?...probably not. Will they be as long term healthy and hardy, maybe not. Fast layers tend to have more health issues such as from bone loss from calcium demands of rapid egg laying despite efforts to add calcium to the feed.

Brahmas for meat? Why not Cornish Rocks or something you can eat in six or eight weeks? I see no point in 6-9 month "meat birds". If you are going to get meat birds, get meat birds. Just my two cents
just got some jg chicks 7 of them. first time ever with chicks so cute cant wait to see how they grow.. does anyone know how long it takes them to lay eggs? cant figure how to send photos on here..
Looking to hatch Black JG from good quality stock when my hens go broody. Located in Upstate SC and prefer not to ship so will travel to nearby locations. Please PM me if you have anything coming up in the next several weeks.

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