Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Oh Wynette!!!Will you be selling any once hatched? I really,really have wanted true Giants since I researched breeds. I have hatchery stock now n they are not what I had hoped for.I hope to maybe get a few this year. I hope to go to Lucasville swap,but have not yet heard of any to be there.
I think I'll be going to Lucasville; at least that's the plan as of now. I won't be selling any of my Shawna/Sherene hatchlings until they're at least 18 weeks. :) But - I also have a very nice male from another breeder, in with some of my Sherene females; those females are TO DIE FOR. I've done well with them at shows, and they're just gorgeous, laid back, intelligent birds. My favorite of all my breeds. I had been searching for YEARS for good ones, and boy, did I hit the jackpot with my birds from Sher!

I'd love to meet you in person - we need all the Giant folks we can get to get these wonderful birds spread around! Maybe we can meet at Lucasville?
well my plans have changed unfortunately. I will not be going to Lucasville. So thank Wynette for the shout out though. Here to hoping I off next sat. for Troy. We cutting down trees instead for new run to be built.
Hi all, I am looking to get a rooster and wondering about their temperament and their crow? i have neighbors who aren't interested too much in me having a rooster but these guys are so darn gorgeous i have to have one! i know all roosters crow and there's not much you can do about it, does trickery work? i'm not so concerned with the crowing during the day but i've read that some roos crow all the time. are the JG like this? or does it depend? thanks for your input!
It probably depends on the rooster. My big boy only crows when he hears car doors in the morning, and then a few times during the day. LOL
I don't even notice it, but it's because I've heard it continuously for years.
Hi all, I am looking to get a rooster and wondering about their temperament and their crow? i have neighbors who aren't interested too much in me having a rooster but these guys are so darn gorgeous i have to have one! i know all roosters crow and there's not much you can do about it, does trickery work? i'm not so concerned with the crowing during the day but i've read that some roos crow all the time. are the JG like this? or does it depend? thanks for your input!
Mine is wonderful, rarely crows, (mostly around dawn) and has such a lovely deep voice, it isn't grating on the ears. Neighbours say they don't even hear him. He does crow at the rottie next door if she gets too close to the fence, but not much otherwise.
I am new to the breed, after reading some posts here on them, when the store had some i had to get a couple, yes hatchery birds, but already i can tell a diff in personality, not as skittish as other chicks, my broody silky is raising them -
Just received an order of Black JG's this morning, they are running around the brooder like little black rats.

Supposed to be 15 pullets and 3 cockerels, will wait and see how that comes out!
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Quote: I second this. We've got an Orpington roo, who has given me the beady eyeball a couple of times, but since I walk with a cane for balance, every time he's ever seen me, I've had one "wing" down doing what he probably has interpreted as a rooster's wing dance. And there's no rooster in the world as big as a human with a cane.
I sometimes use the cane for gently shepherding the chickens away from my feet, or away from the gate. I don't hit them with it because #1 OMG that's just not my style, and #2 as it turns out, there's no need to. They all seem to see the cane as authority personified, and that's all that's needed.

We're planning on switching our flock over to all Jersey Giants eventually. We've got our first Giants in the incubator right now, planning on hatching out on May 12th. I'll share some pics here when they're hatched.
Hi all, I am looking to get a rooster and wondering about their temperament and their crow? i have neighbors who aren't interested too much in me having a rooster but these guys are so darn gorgeous i have to have one! i know all roosters crow and there's not much you can do about it, does trickery work? i'm not so concerned with the crowing during the day but i've read that some roos crow all the time. are the JG like this? or does it depend? thanks for your input!
I agree with the above. I/ve had breeds that were continuous crowers with a high pitch, and had to rehome them because I didn't want a complaint and lose all my roos. I have 2 JG roos, and they have a nice low voice, and don't carry on for long. And the least often of my all my roos.

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