Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion


Well an update on my flock. I had 10 girls and 2 boys. It has been hovering between zero and minus 10 degrees overnight for what feels like a month. I have a cheap crappy homemade coop but it is insulated on the 3 windward sides.

Anyway, i found a dead hen out there day before yesterday and i'm not sure if she froze our what. I feel guilty(wierd huh?) But she is soup now. No sign of trauma at all... i am sooo sick of winter
I'm sick of winter to can't wait till spring
But now I have a pair of jersey giants but my rooster is mean I will try to post a pic sometime them just got to find out how
I thought it was my question about roost hight that shut everyone down.

I just went out to let the hens out and heard one fall off the roost. She only fell 10 inches and fell into a big pile of shavings.

So I guess I need to keep the roosts super low and maybe move them closer together.

I don't get why they won't jump from roost to roost to get down.
When we moved our Giants into the big coop, we lowered our decks to 24", with the roosts 8" above that. We did put deep shavings on the floor to soften the landing for them. I have noticed that they hop down to the lip of the deck before jumping off, so if my back was willing, I'd go lower.
When we moved our Giants into the big coop, we lowered our decks to 24", with the roosts 8" above that. We did put deep shavings on the floor to soften the landing for them. I have noticed that they hop down to the lip of the deck before jumping off, so if my back was willing, I'd go lower.

Thanks. My back does ache a bit. But with so few hens, I can deal with a quick bend to scrap if we put the dropping board a foot off the ground so that's what we'll do.
We're watching feet and legs. If they seem to have any issues, we will go down to a foot as well. There are 20 hens in there, and one exhausted rooster. Elvis was a pain before we put him in there, now he's too tired to argue with anyone.
I started off with hatchery so that I could get to know this breed without spending too much. I am now ready to transition to a more focused attention on breeding to standard. I truly am impressed with this breed and also want to presrve it's hetitage. I was able to buy a pair of truly magnificent JGs from a breeder. The difference between hatchery and focused breeder is truly significant. I want to expand the genetic diversity and also start a line of Blue JGs...I think I am hooked! LOL!!! Anybody know of a breeder of Blue JGs in Texas?

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