Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I bought the eggs off eBay localish.
The Black one was the first to hatch and is very much bigger than the White and black.
They are over a week old now and are scratching about in the brooder, what would you recommend on the floor at this point, I have used paper towel till now ?
Thanks in advance
I use pelletized horse bedding for the first month. So much easier to clean, then I switch to pine shavings.
I am new to this thread and breed so I have a question. I hatched some JG eggs about 5 weeks ago the blues are fully feathered out but the blacks are not. Is this common? I understand they will loose and regrow feathers at this age but only the blacks have some areas that need feathers.
Some chicks can be very late bloomers, I have had some not fully feather until 10 weeks, and some that are fuilly feathered at 4.
Flash & Arrow 2 weeks old !! Wow what a change



This question may have been posed previously so I will apologize if I'm asking a question that's already been answered. What would be the outcome of a white Giant over a splash giant?
She has excellent birds. And is very easy to talk to. The way she has things set up you can pick show,utility or pet. She removes a lot of the guessing work and is better able to give you birds that fit your needs.A real nice Lady

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