Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Me too ! ! ! Mine are due Thursday. I have Delawares, JGiants, Marans, Lavenders, and Silkies hatching. Gettin' the brooder ready tomorrow!

what colors are your silkies?
I have blue, black, splash, white, and buff adults. Don't know what colors will hatch, as I did have about 25% nonfertile eggs.

I am sorry for your high % of nonfertiles.
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Oh, it was expected. I keep taking my roosters out of the girls' pens. The Silkie girls are just so little, and the boys are overly attentive to them! I am only hatching them for fun, and for a couple friends.
Expected or not, I always still have hope of raising the dead, so I would have a small degree of disapporintment that would often be short lived once anything started hatching.
Well my BJG that got nipped by the dog seems to be doing just dandy. Thanks for the help, ya'll! That link to show info for us newbies to showing was great too. I think I'm still gonna make my walnut cage though, even if just for transporting. It doesn't make the chickens better . . . but I like making fancy "regular things" anyway. I once made a 150 dollar hoof pick . . . go figure!

So far, I think the BJG we hatched is the best looking of the five we have. I need to study the breed standard a bit more to see how she might measure up. She's feathered out so nicely. I need to search this site for some "Chicken Photography" tips too. I might need to dust off my old 35mm . . . . I hate that 'delay when I hit the shutter button on my digital.
I have blue, black, splash, white, and buff adults. Don't know what colors will hatch, as I did have about 25% nonfertile eggs.

We have some silkies that my sweetie bought from Bobbi Porto, and three we bought from a local seller. Bobbies are noticeably higher quality than the the ones we bought locally. The blue Jersey Giants are pretty much mine. One is really homely looking, but is "Super" friendly. He'll run up and stand in front of her and just constantly talks, and talks and talks. He'll jump right in her hand, and wants to be in her lap, it's hilarious!

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