Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Good morning! Sorry about not getting the webcam up. I didn't have the energy (personal issues are wearing me out and that is why I hatch... to help me cope

But I now have 21 hatched and 8 pipped and 2 with nothing going on yet.

I have a dilemma though... those darn Olive Eggers hatched a day early and really need to be out of the bator tonight but I still have some working on hatching. I am not sure what to do.

Also there is one Olive Egger that looks stuck. I have helped hatch some chicks before and sometimes with good results and sometimes with heartbreaking results. I don't know if I should help or not. It has been working now since Thursday evening on hatching and it looks really sticky.

The colors are REALLY hard to tell right now but I think I have 3 splash and TONS of blue and black

I CANNOT believe how well this hatch is going!

I NEVER expected so many to hatch just because of the shipping issue.

So far I am at 68% and hope to be at 94% tonight if the last 8 hatch today.

I don't know how I am going to take care of all these babies with an ankle surgery coming up in 3 weeks

LOL, I love this hobby...
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I sounds as though you have a great dilemma, I too would be concerned about the one that apprears to be stuck. If he hasn't made it out in 24 hours, I would help, he may be slightly malpositioned to pip well or too big for the shell to pip well, but either way he will be exhausting his energy and will die if he isn't out soon. I had several from this hatch be very sticky, becasue I kept the humidity very high since each air sac had been torn in the shipping process. Each air sac looked like the shape of a figure "8" - thus more O2, but less room if the lining of the egg dried. I did not get the % that you got, but I still got 70% hatch.
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I am so glad to hear you are having a great hatch! I would go ahead and take out all the early hatches and put them in the brooder. They are gonna need some water.

The EE, I think I would help it out, too. Just my opinion.
Sit down for this one...


Only ONE has not pipped!!

If all goes well today and the last one does not pip, I will have a 97% hatch on SHIPPED EGGS!!

I helped out the stuck one... she actually seems really healthy... just exhausted.

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