Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I so feel the same passions about just having chicks hatching; it is so addictive, like opening a Christmas present with each egg and hoping for that near perfect specimen.
These are Kathy's test eggs:



Those are some good looking little babies :)

Out of 31 eggs, 31 pipped, 1 died in the shell (I think it drowned as it pipped in the wrong area) and 1 died after hatching (I had to help it hatch and didn't think it would make it)

So I can't believe that I ended up with 29 babies out of 31 fertile eggs.

If I had known this hatch was going to be so good, I would not have put so many in the bator... 29 babies are a lot of work when I am going to be completely off my feet for 6 weeks!! But they make me so happy to watch... They are GORGEOUS!!

Thanks Kathy!!!
I think I got 5 splash. The black and blue are tricky. Some are clearly blue, some are clearly black but the majority are somewhere in between. I'll tell you what though, the Olive Eggers are gorgeous!!
So far I think that creme color one must be a splash. And I'm thinking that I have 2 black because the wings are coming in black. The rest should be blue . They are sooo friendly, unlike other breeds, my JG's have always been bold and friendly and from day 1 like to sit in my hand and peck at my ring. And sometimes one will just nap in the cup of my hand.
This is a roo from a hatch 16 weeks ago. He's undergoing behavior modification training


This is a sweet roo, his name is Handsome, and my husband is sooo crazy about him. He flies right onto his arm




Here's my silkie coop egg thief

I love it when they are so sweet from the beginning! I always enjoyed the chicks sitting in my hand, too.

ETA: Handsome is soooooo cool ! He actually flies up there? Wow! I love it!

EEEKKKKKK, on that last picture!
Scarey looking thing!
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