Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Look how tall this girl is getting to be. I hope she grows into her long legs!
The picture is dark, but I think you can see her.


Can you see how tall she is in comparison to the full grown Light Sussex and the Orps that are much older than she is?

Oooo, she's pretty Kathy! I love the long legs on JG's as they are growing! I have pics coming soon of my hatch outta your eggs, hoping to get them up tomorrow evening sometime.
She is Beautiful!!! She looks (in size) just like my " Big Papa"! All of my flock is 8 months old now. He is just as much taller than all the rest as you Girl! I am trying to get a pic but he is really shy and always stays by him self. He is very hard to get a pic of with the rest of the flock for comparison.

God Bless!
Kathy, is that the girl from the UT breeder? If so - I can so TOTALLY tell it's the same line as mine from Bobbi Porto - I have some that look EXACTLY like her! I will say they mine do appear that they'll be larger than my Maria Hall stock, too. The interesting thing I've noted on my Porto hatch is that they are not as consistent in size as I thought they'd be. I have a couple honkin' huge ones like yours, but a few that are much, much smaller. I'm a little baffled by it, but those big ones are super nice! I have a friend who lives near Bobbi Porto and is friendly with her - she's been to Bobbi's place several times, and she told me that Bobbi's Jersey look more like turkeys than chickens!
I'm looking at her again, and gosh.....I'm now wondering if she's a roo, too? She sure didn't look like one earlier....can you get some good side shots?

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