Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Mines not on your thread

But I don't want to diss arm all of woman kind...

Hmmm...tis a dilemma this is...being
I am allowed to forget if I was bad already...wake up every day with a clean slate...heh heh heh...does wonders for living GUILT-free!

Over the holidays, Rick gave this sign to his sister's husband as a house (more like the shop) warming present...hee hee...

I am sooo glad I followed and wound up here.....


Glad you came over...silly FUN times, eh?

Can't believe listening to Bamadude turned out to be a good idea (listening to him and coming to this wonderful thread )

just kidding dude you've got pretty good taste

I thought WE always listened to Bama...well sorta...he is the MAN about BYC...


Not sure if the above will notify Bama...never used one of those "HEY thar!" thingies yet...

Anyhoo...Bama...did I ever tell all on The Old Folks thread about THE note? Should I arm men like you with BAD man Rick's advice?

Bamas indisposed ( jail ) but I bet ya he'd say yes, arm the men....

OK...arm the men...

Rick did something or other and I guess I was a tad on the negative side that day...lack of sleep I blame it on but I was not too pleased with him...probably something mannish he did or did not forget my birthday. (I do have to laugh, after almost 33 years of living with the bugger...there was a year not too long ago back where I personally forgot it was MY own hatchday...yeh....good long enough to start acting like him--harrumph! He wins, eh!).

He knows I am mad at him so he just says to me, "I'll write you a note then..."

I am thinking in my stunned madness..."A note? Like a note one gets from your Mom so you can eat ice cream or go on a school field trip...what NOTE?" So of course I am angry and won't leave well enough alone (and he's baited me too...I'll bite!) I jest gotta ask...

"What NOTE?"

Rick replies nonchalant like... "Fer the judge."

"What JUDGE?," I scream at him...

"The note you need to GIVE the judge when you finally kill me."

"Kill you and I need a note...what good is a note then?," now he really has me with both feet ready to put in my gob...but I am now angry enough that maybe falling on my ample butt because I jammbed both feet in my face...will chill me a bit...make me a bit more sensible to the fact, that after all...he is jest a MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Well if you finally ever get so mad at me that you actually end up killing me...I can have a pre-written note done up. I can put it right here in the oak box I made on the coffee table for you. So when the police come, take you away to await sentencing and all, you can show the judge this note I wrote for you." <<can you hear the choir of angels in the background??--such a nice man!>>

"And what exactly does this NOTE say then?," I inquire...

"Oh something, like "Dear Judge...I Rick Higgins am dead because whatever I have done, has finally driven my wife to kill me. Whatever I did, I deserved to die and she should NOT be punished for killing me. I made her do it, I methodically drove her to do it and I deserved to die."

So I am stunned in silence and thinking..."Well that does not sound so bad. A get-outta-jail-free card to my favour. He knows well enough that one day, some day he is going to make me so mad I lose it and I do end up killing him. What a fine idea." That's my immediate take on the NOTE....


Not some time too later on...once again, Rick being a MAN and me being a WOMAN and we butt heads again and I am fuming mad at him...for being a man and out he quips it....

"So you wanna have me draft up that NOTE right now?"


I've by my own agreement, by my own hands, I have created a monster of unwitting proportions...allowed my husband his own get-outta-jail-free card! He will now go about forever and ever, so long as we live here together...doing exactly whatever he pleases knowing full well sometimes what he does will yank my womanly cord and I will be angry with him...but he does not have to curb that behaviour....full speed away he can go. He can make me mad as a mad hatter, he may!

For because now, he can simply fall back on that simple statement..."Do you want that NOTE?"

Ladies, I guess now that the c@t is outta the sack...never allow your DH to threaten to write you that get you off scott free from killing them for being bad...the power of the NOTE is in the hands of the BEWARE, if'n it is not too late already...

So, Gentlemen...start your engines...tis a free for all...freedom with the NOTE


Other than pulling it out for the minor fights, could be handy to have that note for the ladies... if it actually works with the judge...

Yeh...just what we need...a license to kill...I wonder if there is a season for deer or fishing...if there will be limits put on numbers harvested, baiting, no barbs?

And the black widows unite--kinda morbid eh?

Hi Bama...miss you MUN!


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