Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Love the "words for teenagers"

But not a fan of Marg? Come on eh...I know you wanna secretly dress up like her and kiss the PM...

Heel low:

A few chuckles to start the post off goodness like...

Always good to know how to properly handle livestock and birds...

Gotta have another FTD chuckle...

Then some along the theme we bin visiting as of late...

One fer Wisher...she has probably seen this too many times already, but for those that have not...

Why did the chicken cross the road...???

To avoid the LAW!

And this one a retired RCMP officer sent me...Java's Dad (Fixins' sister's owner).

Did you know that even faking a laugh or a giggle causes the same release of stress...yeh, so laugh...laugh out load even if you don't mean it... You get to live longer for it and become a better our kids, eh!

There is jest something about the blue skies and poofy clouds of multitudes of colour...sunshine and cheeriness...I cannot get enough of it!

So some more dustings of snow overnight. Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW please and thank you.

Course it means for Rick more of this...

He came home two days ago...he's tired but such a good man, always my Hero! We have not had alot of time to go to town together and get some he stops on the way home. He's on automatic mode...exhausted and trudging about...functioning but in basic survival autopilot.

Tucked under one arm is a blueberry pie and a litre of whipping cream, got a fresh buncha bananas and a rotisserie chicken in the other hand (yeh, we do indulge in the forsaken BQ grocery chicken at times...easy meal and I usually make up a salad with the white meat all diced up on top the next day).

The workin' man brings home the virtual bacon!

Who's got a SNOW who does, come on ... who's got a SNOW NOSE!??

Fixins greets Dad at the door...she can SMELL the food of the gods he has bagged, butchered, baked and brought home to the Cave. She loves her chooker grease. Course Rick gets a big kiss on the hand! "Tanks DAD! I'm feeling a tad peak-ked about now's."

Trip tropped out to the Ram Pasture this morn to check on the critters. Luved the display in the sky this morn. Such a paradise display indeed!

Fixins was all lubed up and wanted to play an early rendition of capture the red rolly Jolly Ball (nfi) I tossed it for old princess girly.

Plowing thru the powder...she's such a happy four on the floorer

Hard not to LOVE winter and snow with the dogs to show such enthusiasm for it. Live is GOOD!

Course I have already roof raked off most of the canopies, there has been enough accumulation to warrant a rakin'.
But I got me pie...BOOberry my fav kind...extra slice of pie...whee hee hee...

Laughed at the pic I took of the Veg Garden Coop...

Winter view today

Summer view from 2013

You can just make out the Lilac turks out and about in the shade of the coop. This was before I filled all twenty-one walls of wood. Nice privacy fence built outta birch firewood (banked gold-bars for all its value in keep all our butts warm and cosy).

The Dolgo having its winter nap....sorta like us having our zzz's...a rest in winter, then a full on for summer time display.

Started with hopefully a few let's end with a few thoughtful thoughts...alright?

And Will...he is such a kewl guy...survived so well in being famous...survived being a young star (fresh prince) and has to me, really grown into an icon of a GOOD MAN. I have seen snippets of him and his kids and he just blows your mind on how awesome a person can be. He is generous, has integrity and does such a good job at so many things.

If he was my son...well how proud would that make one, eh. I am proud of my own son for sure on that (love me boy way over the top), but we do indeed need more people like Willard Smith...more of these kinds the world can sure stand to embrace.

Note to self...just looked at the list of movies he's in...I need to view more movies with Will Smith in them...the plot to Seven Pounds sounds delish...upsetting but one that makes you think...kewl. I have not even seen The Pursuit of Happyness yet...ah popcorn moments for the family many wonderful things to do (I adored I Am Legend)...not enough time, eh. Never enough time to do all we wanna...

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
I love his movies too, 7 pounds and the pursuit of happiness, are great films and I love I am legend, but have a very hard time re-watching it... so sad...
Your comment about faking laughter being as good for you as a real laughter made me laugh so thank you Tara I'm gonna live longer because of you.
I love his movies too, 7 pounds and the pursuit of happiness, are great films and I love I am legend, but have a very hard time re-watching it... so sad...
Your comment about faking laughter being as good for you as a real laughter made me laugh so thank you Tara I'm gonna live longer because of you.

When movies or art or writings, etc. evoke emotions...that screams "good one!"

Gotta make you live long enough to be a bother to yer kids I hope!

Wah wah wah....

Always got told I was too quiet and far too obvious utter strangers!

Rick has made a very tidy sum packing ear plugs on his person over the years. Once I get going, he makes a killing!

"Five I hear five dollars for ear protection anyone? anyone else want the other plug to make a pair?"

Gotta keep me in booberry pies somehow, eh...
Not Calvin! he can't grow up...

No worries Henny...

Clive Staples Lewis - creator of Narnia:
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.

I think it safe to say, every lucky adult...gets to look forward to our SECOND childhood if we live long enough and are responsible in raising up a decent family that allows that pursuit to happen.

Then again, there are those of us still working on our FIRST one!

Tara <<evil wicked laughter echoes throughout Pear-A-Dice>> love love the snow pictures. Love reading all your are such an inspiration.

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