Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Got meself two sets of jewelry to torment the kids with...oh my eyes, eh!


And lotsa presents fer the wee should see how concerned they were that Valentines is on a Saturday. LOL...Rick insisted I stock up on the kewl goodies for the kiddies...such a Hero, eh!

Sure hope I don't have to drive one of the spare buses tomorrow...

Could be an issue for the kiddies keeping the Valentines presents from falling out...

I did up a series of photos on some more colour genetics (wip). On the weekend, Rick took me to get some more of my silly plastic chooks and FTDucks for the genetics lessons, eh. We found the time to go complete a few of my sets. Rather expensive endeavours...these plastic creatures NEVER seem to go on sale...even got told by the one manager of a store where I got some more ducks and a few hens...since these come outta Europe, they never have enough and never lower the price.

It is running me $120 for just the four sets to do up the set in White ($30 for 3 males, 3 females and one set of the chicks to match), one set in Coloured (working on a set of two coloureds so those will end up being $60 once I have both sides of the body shapes acquired), and one set in half White/half Coloured. I have the same in ducks ($60 for the white and coloured--got to complete the coloured ones this time, so yah and thanks Rick for humouring all this silliness!), geese (will be $60 for white & coloured--but coloured is still short the four progeny, so need to purchase two boys, two girls--not like geese are all the different like chooks are in shape) it is vividly apparent why you don't see others offering to do up the Punnett Squares in the plastic dinky toys, eh. Chooks, ducks, and the geese are an investment of $240 plus all the hassle of actually finding them. Not every store has like this available supply and on offer so you just fork over the funds. I have been putting off completing my sets simply because I knew a few years ago, that I had drained their poultry stocks...hee hee...imagine that eh?

I thought about turkeys once momentarily but figured...nah... I think I have one white swan that ran me $8 for the one...yeh, you are going to have to use yer imaginations thar with the Swannies, eh! I am still trying to be semi-retired...not completely tired and foolish with the funds on hand!

Eek...oh I am still looking for the four coloured goose progeny, plus a set of the skinnier roo-a-doos too in the coloured ones to go with the skinnier coloured hens I have in more an eggy coloured henny shape compared to a more heritage dual purpose coloured hen shape (pic below of the incomplete set)--oh the banes of chicken mathematics, eh.

They may be lumps of plastic but I thought the price of oil was down...har har! Should mean plastics drop too...hardly!

Coloured chickens

I can hope by posting these to help makes it all worth it. Who knew it would cost so much but oh well... Hundreds of dollars later in landfowl and waterfowl...we have the ability to play with the Punnett Squares...hee hee! Makes the teacher wince but I am sure y'all enjoy the free for all, eh.

Jest gotta find the time now to trim the pics I took on Monday and get them in order and post them here... I decided to use a low resolution camera (Rick's one for his vintage vehicle restoration use) and hope that keeps the photos useable for downloading for the genetics lessons...

It is winter sorta spring like time eh, time for that crap to be done did.

Been enjoying the winter food fests here also...

Meatloaf and scallop potatoes

All that lunch meat that Rick sliced up with the new swanky meat slicer....cheese and crackers...delish!

On the weekend, we also were serious about something besides plastics and we bought a nice strip loin (save three times what it costs for individual streaks eh!) and I used the "trimmings" to make up a decent meaty chili...

Baked a loaf of bread in the bread machine that day (using those modern conveniences of crock pots and bread machines!)

And it has been good feastings fer this week...

Chili and fresh bread so hot it melts the butter...Divine!

And having leftovers...hee bad could leftovers like these be...

Strip loin steak smothered in pan fried mushrooms, garlic toast from the loaf made the day prior...and another bowl of the beaners...yeh...good stuff.

Yeh...Rick has been putting the tractor, snow bucket and back blade to good use...

Fixins likes the easy swagger a nice cleared pathway is

As I mentioned, she is now limited to using the ramp to get up into & outta the Man Porch...

I don't like her jumping up the stairs...this way she glides up...well OK>>>as glidy as old doggies would be, eh!

Had this one cartoon stored in one of my old laptop files...thought it a good one... have competition...from the birds even!

Does she look goodness, NOT...rude rude rude no manners bow wow!

Patience is a virtue here...eventually, I'll get back her way and toss the toy!

Originally Posted by drumstick diva

Gotta love Fixins, 'hope eternal', sooner or later somebody has to throw the ball.

I bought the dog next door a blue jolly ball and she went nuts, she spent most of the day slinging it across the yard, didn't even need someone to throw it. She's had it since before Xmas, and I notice half of the ball part is missing but, the handle is still there.

Does Fixins chow down on the ball, or just like to fetch it?

Assortment of Jolly Ball (nfi) products we have here right now.

In their younger days...the ACDs were a real handful to find toys they would not kill...or chew chunks off and swallow and not kill them dogs themselves! ACK!

Yeh...note the condition of the supposedly extreme (sure, sure...not ACD extreme eh) chew resistant tire toy...busted...yeh...the round JB's are suppose to have ropes that run thru them...those don't stay there the better part of a week, eh. LOL

Surprisingly, the two black rubber air brake pods at the bottom thar are very ACD friendly. These can be used like a Frisbee-nfi (holy Toledo...forget using a Frisbee with ACDs...chewed instantly to nothingness and even the dog made ones...har har har...who you fooling with, eh?)...the dogs love them and while they do not get the same distance away as a real Frisbee might...I am just glad not to be having to replace them constantly.

Yeh, this is an older version of the Jolly Ball (nfi) and yes, that's what is left of the handle, JB was de-handled...early on in the play.
I have found the newer Jolly Balls (nfi) are now made with better handles...course that said...Fixins and Foamy are getting not likely to chew as bad as younger versions of them do.

Newer JB on the right...older (just a smaller version) one on the left...see the chew on the handle...these are NOT leave alone with ACDs type fact young ACDS should not be left with any dog toy alone...unless you like going off to the vets to have pieces surgically removed and risk losing the pup puppers...

Fixins still grips the JB where and how she always has but she's a GUMMY dog now compared to her younger years


We are all more gummy bears than we use ta be, eh....

I tried out a hard plastic ball and HyBlade chipped his canine tooth immediately...yeh, the hard plastic might stay intact but the whole point of a dog toy is the fun the dog fun in getting all busted up...I am sure he had bruises too...hits the toys with such exuberance! Silly wuppies.

Silly Foamers...tis play time, not rolly polly time...

Play, play play...

Run, run run!

The handle on the newer version of the Jolly Ball (nfi) is working well

Handle is there but maybe if she was alot younger, maybe not...

Now I have a question for you Diva...

You ever use the Bechdel test for films you see??

You probably watch more films than I are they measuring up to this test?

Thanks for the Sandhill link! It will soon be time to start my tomatoes inside. Supposed to be sunny and near 68 degrees here a Spring day....then get cold near the end of next week. Our temps are up and down....still hoping for that elusive snow.

You are most welcome and I DO hope you get your elusive white!

It has been surprisingly nice as of late...a bit of snow, some temps in the -20C's but relatively decent winter. Not like out East I hear...they are getting the winter we had last year. Yuck...I love snow but even I said UNCLE last winter!

Feb 11, 2015

Uh yeh, my veg garden a while before I can think about working the soil, but hey, their will be moisture in the dirt, eh! Think positively...

Sunsets are still spectacular as ever...

Just the draw to a peaceful and contented close of another day...another day here in Pear-A-Dice...

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Tara I had to re-read that movie joke a few time...

I truly wish it was a joke...stop laughing, eh...stop it...

I am new to it too and had to do the ... "HUH" several times and think...besides Thelma and Louise (which I have not seen, such a sheltered life, eh)... Not many make the cut, so it is kinda strange and I bin thinkun on it a while. It is strange, strange, strange... gotta tell me what you think of it... 2 women that talk to each other about something other than men. Another play on this one is a fourth must have requirement...that the women must have NAMES...

Now to be fair, fair to the men folk...I have watched movies where the 2 men don't talk to each other about any more than fast cars, women and say, violence where they rob a bank or blow something up too... like 007 is so superficial but hey, that is the WHOLE point, I think...anyway.

I admit I kinda LIKE movies like that on a Saturday afternoon after chores, in the winter...a DUH movie for snacks with Rick, Fixins in my lap being a warrior princess lap puppy, popcorn, some juice, and yeh...a DUH silly while away the 2, 3, 4 hours and be entertained, lightly amused.

But we also like documentaries, ancient history and well yeh, some of the animal shows. The more heavy learning ones on say, television.

Scenery and sunsets as beautiful as ever and the food looks delicious. Love this cartoon...My dh was scooping poop up in the run a while back while the girls were on one of their roosts. He bent under the girls to scoop and one pooped on his head. He wasn't amused, but I thought it was hilarious.
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Tara, I admit I can't think of a movie that passed the test recently. BUT an old movie that did and was very good - was "Fried Green Tomatoes."
She's a real ham and always looking at me, pushing her way up are the other chooks inquisitive too but you know what I mean about the one that is always pushing herself into the forefront..."Hey, it's ME!

Improvement over the dam and sire in the head gear fer sure...almost nonexistent.

Hardly any head gear on these Higgins White Dove Project bantam Chanteclers.​

So yeh, no worries that the head gear was not something that was fixable.

Some of the Chant standard cockerels are coming along too. This boy has no wattles, great for winter hardy but I like to see SOME wattles since the SOP says there ARE wattles in both genders.

I like this cockerel's head gear (I do want wattles and his are there, no sure how big they will finish out but promising) and how BLACK feathered he is. Over in the UK, according to Grant, they have all but lost the black chested Partridge pattern in the Wyandottes. No worries here the Chanti boys in the Parti pattern are lacking any blackness...hee hee...

Jersey Buff Heritage turks...note the romaine treats...Rick insisted we bring them on home a case of greens...happy, JOY, happy JOY! Happy Valentines turk a lurks...snark away, eh!

Feb 14 2015 - some of the antiquity heritage Sweetgrass / Ronquière turkeys.​

Just finished handing out the last of the greens...the pheasants jest love having a greeny snack!

So a newbie (and oldie one too) is "What gender is my chook?" Now with the White Chants...agh, yeh, it can be murder to try and figure out gender...the combs and wattles are suppose to be small, so often, they are no help. When one crows or lays an egg is sometimes just too long to wait, eh...look to the butt...hee hee...the back...look at the cushion or saddle (pending what gender they be) and look for POINTs fer the boy and ROUNDies fer's what I mean, eh!

GIRL on the left / BOY on the right

Over the last little while it has been warm, making ice (hate that part but oh well) but the critters are sure enjoying this. Out East, they are having the winter WE had last year...but we are having the winter they had last year now. Share and share alike...I would prefer more moderation but oh well.

Veg Garden

Still got a good bit of snow cover, so will be a while melting it all off but will make for good water levels here too.

Today we have wet snow falling...

Good day to bring in a load of birch...had help, eh.

Hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day...we sure did.

This year I felt SO blessed as I had two outfits for the bus run (celebrated on Friday)...

Feb 14, 2015

Rick and I hurried up and did our chores and lost taking a road we had never been on back home...laughed all the way like pigs...we finally realized we were heading EAST instead of WEST and got turned around. No harm done, we got home in time to see the sun setting a lovely scene and enough light left in the skies to run the dougals.

Ready to ROAR...them dog dogs...

"Well...hurry along and get back here..."

"This is what I think of Valentines!," says the Fix!

Even the chooks got into it...OK, with help...

And I never ever wonder why, if it ever happens...there is a chicken revolt in the makings...

"See...see what she does to us...SEE!"

Originally Posted by lularat

Scenery and sunsets as beautiful as ever and the food looks delicious. Love this cartoon...My dh was scooping poop up in the run a while back while the girls were on one of their roosts. He bent under the girls to scoop and one pooped on his head. He wasn't amused, but I thought it was hilarious.

Always happy to entertain with the pics and love when others find what I find funny...funny too. I thinking having birds makes us have a bit of an off sense of humour...hee hee...oh well!

Yeh...totally gone to the birds, eh...

Love the swans

Was a dream we did not know if it was gonna ever happen. When we imported the two pens up from the Southern States...ah that was SOME summer for me.

I spent WAY WAY too much time with camera in hand pool side with Fixins and the females while we waited for their quarantine (two months that flew by) to end.

Feeding them greens and just sitting in the shade admiring them and pinching myself...yeh, its REAL!

This photo above sums up my entire summer...birds, dogs, sun and fun...

Black Pearl and Fire Ember

One of the more memorable moments was when the dogs and I went to do some fencing and the two pens came down to find two puppy dogs...

Lookit who found us!

Like periscopes on a sub...

Yeh, the swans continue to be a blast but now that they have coupled is just not the same, but that is a good thing...they are swans and need to be with their own kinds, eh.

The next hurdle, one day some day, cygnets...we have had eggs twice now from Pearl (she is older than Ember), once in May and last October...nothing came of them but hey, Black Swans can live 30 to 40 years in captivity...we are not in a rush to do all rush...breathe it in, deeply and enjoy...

Four in May, 2014 and Six in October, 2014 - can you see my hand shaking...kewl!

I did this because I knew others would like to see the difference between a Swanny egg and other birds.

Let's see if I can remember from last May...Top is an Appleyard duck, right side is an American Buff goose, below is a heritage turkey and left is a standard sized Chantecler chicken. Center is the SWAN's egg of course!

Tara, I admit I can't think of a movie that passed the test recently. BUT an old movie that did and was very good - was "Fried Green Tomatoes."

Yup, that's a good movie.

Yes, the green fried tomatoes is a film I should see about watching as very indepth and interesting. Thanks!

Speaking of fried somethings...

Tonight, Chinese...I am all caught up from being able to do double time working (warm!), so I am going to do a big on eats.

Got her all sliced up...jest waitin' on Rick go get home so I can start making like Tom the Swedish Chef, eh...

On the menu tonight tiz...

Egg Drop (preferably IN the broth) soup
Five spiced Chinese pork chops
Beef and Veg
Pork and Chow Mein noodles with Veg
Chicken Fried Rice

Whee...we eat good tonight...and tomorrow and the next...maybe I shoulda thought this one thru?

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Tara, great to have you posting again - missed you. I try to check back often and if I don't see anything new from you I'm
but, right now I am
See the difference?
Tara, great to have you posting again - missed you. I try to check back often and if I don't see anything new from you I'm
but, right now I am
See the difference?

I am sorry DD...I just been all over the place and enjoying myself...selfish eh...but I am glad you are good once again. I have posted to other threads here on BYC (I see the Cushion comb contest ended...see me crossing my fingees and toes...Rose Comb one too
), the SOP BYC colour genetics ones too have been filling my time having fun...I need to post those plastic chooks genetics lesson here but now I got a Chinese feast in the works...hee hee...

I began posting here on that thread above...again a week ago and well, only so much time to post on BYC. I have posted on that thread prior to just a week ago too...forget what page I matter--not a big thread so you can start on page 1 if you like to catch up to my genetics chatter. I don't feel there is much more on there than I have posted here in the past but you never do know!

Fix is even out and about with me more now and I do have to be extra watchful not to let her over do it...she will limp if I let her out and about without saying, "OK inside you go Gal! The woodstove missed you!" She camps out by the backdoor when Rick is home in the evenings...she wants to be with me but I go inside the coops to do some work and I don't want her outside, waiting on me too much. Warm weather is not bad but...

She's been flopping in the snow just any old warm out!

And telling me she was having a romaine leaf or two...not just for birds yah know...
Dogs need their greens too and no grass (well OK, I saw some green grass blades peaking up yesterday, but now topped off by snow again...good, don't want that stuff waking up and getting slammed...this is an interlude, but not winter OVER!)

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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