Jetblack's Weekly Challenges!


Free Ranging
8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
South East England
My Coop
My Coop
Hi BYC! I had a really fun idea. I could set you all a mini challenge every week! Anyone can join in if they want to!

The challenges will only be little (a couple of examples: take a picture of you hen in the nestbox, feed your chickens potatoe peelings!) They will be quite random. Some weeks they might be quite easy, while others might be a 'lil bit harder/crazier!

I struggled to think of a good prize, so here is what whoever completes the challenge recieves:
  • Your name will be put on the list of 'This weeks winners'!
  • You will be given a post of congratulations on your profile page!
Here are a few rules/notes:
  • I need proof! You need to take a picture of what you've done. Your name won't be put on the list if you don't have proof of completing the challenge!
  • Please keep chatting to a minimum- I will struggle to keep track of the pictures if they are lost in a conversation!
  • All of my challenges will be something to with animals or nature. I won't tell you to go out and get a picture of a train!
  • You can pick and choose which challenges you do. Do the challenges that appeal to you!
  • I'm sorry but I won't accept really out of focus pics. I need to be able to identify what the chicken is doing!
  • The only information I need with the photo is which challenge it is. Each challenge will have a main heading. The reason I want this is so that I dont get muddled with previous weeks!
  • After a week I will post the list of winners and the next challenge will be announced!

I hope that sounds good!

This weeks challenge: TWO HENS: Get a picture of two of your hens standing next to each other! Not one, not three, it's gotta be two! :D

Let the challenges begin!!!


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