Jimmy the Clinically Depressed Buff Orp - UPDATE SUNDAY MORN

I only bite hens. I'm hetrochixual

There you go, cracking me up again! My own personal comic relief.​
We'll let him sleep with the silkie tonight. If he can handle Angel then
he can handle anything.

I thought about putting him in my little cat carrier and bringing him in.
He needs stability right now and the warm caress of a loving hen.

Why do all my threads, even the serious ones, end up in the toilet like this?

There you go, cracking me up again! My own personal comic relief.

Can we add "hetrochixual" to the official BYC glossary?
What on earth do you mean, we're getting the business taken care of and having some fun - I don't even SEE the toilet yet - and trust me I can normally see it coming at least 4 pages in advance!
(psssssst... its coming)
Speckled I wish you were closer. He could use your DH's inpatient treatment.

CF he was hatched the last week of october so that would make him around
11 weeks.
I'm not looking to get rid of him but if I did find a good home I would let him go.
I just want to get him through this chicken anxiety and get his ROO confidence

Wheatfield? Isn't that near Niagara? 7 hour drive, yikes.
No wonder he doesn't stand up like a man, he hasn't built up his ego yet! Give him 9 more weeks and he might even try to take over the silkie roos if you have those.

I swear silkie roos after they hit puberty are a pint sized ball of ego. My 2 lb up and coming boy tried to take on a 8 lb coop mate.
He lost but strutted off telling all the hens he won.

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