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And I'm not sure if my ducks are really imprinted on me I guess it depends on the day šŸ˜‚
Part of the reason I'd like to get two more ducklings so I can spend more time with them. I feel like having 5 of them at once they more imprinted on each other
I think Iā€™ve had Lemony, Megamind, and Quackers for about 1 or 2-ish years now. And Iā€™ve had Netflix and Roku since sometime last summer (they had had two other brothers, but I gave them away bc I didnā€™t want to deal with 4 drakes and 3 ducks)
I get what you mean. I have 2 drakes and 3 ducks a little nervous what they are gonna be like when they are older. They are being raised together though since the first day of their lives so I'm hoping they will not be aggressive with each other
Iā€™ve noticed that the boys arenā€™t ever really ā€œaggressiveā€, they just get really into it if they see one of the girls in the water, especially if itā€™s poor Lemony, whose too slow to get away from both
I get what you mean. I have 2 drakes and 3 ducks a little nervous what they are gonna be like when they are older. They are being raised together though since the first day of their lives so I'm hoping they will not be aggressive with each other
theyā€™ll be fine, just seperate the pekin drake in spring when not supervised (thatā€™s what i do) because a pekin could kill a khaki hen because of size difference. in fall/winter they are fine to be together as long as they have a big space

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