Jubilee (mille fleur) and Mottled orp project updated pics

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the encouragement. It's been a long winter with over 200 babies in the house, so getting some of these guys organized and selected is bringing me some peace of mind and ready for the next stage.

hehe The looks on their faces is saying "what the heck are you doing..we're trying to get ready for bed here!" or it could be "um, did you bring any treats?"

I was hoping to have the other line out in their coop this week, but we're settling in for another blizzard, so probably won't happen just yet. I can't wait to get pics of those. They aren't in mature plumage yet, but they are looking quite interesting, including some red mottled potentials. So adorable and super friendly. I am really enjoying this project.
They are looking great Jody, good job to you and Charlie.
I know what you mean. That 2nd pic roo looks like someone threw paint on his hackles. I didn't expect to see that much white in the hackle. The other roo is not like that, so I'm debating which to use. I may use the one with more mottling on girls that lack good mottling. Still watching them fill out to decide who are the final picks, but I think we're making good progress.

Our blizzard blew through last night, so spending time getting snow cleaned up again. Hoping the get the buff crosses out soon, so I can share some pics of those.

I'm pretty sure I will be taking my mottled pullets back to black orp roos again to improve body conformation and type, which should be another 2-3 generations with heavy hatching and culling, but that should set that project quite nicely. For the "jub-jubs" as I call them - they'll be a work in progress for quite a while and still debating next steps. A lot will depend on what we see in those buff crosses in adult plumage.
Forgive my ignorance but what is a Diamond Jubilee? Never heard of one. And the birds are looking gorgeous. I always love seeing updates from you.
I guess I am into this project. My Buff cockerel broke out of his cage and started my project on the 9th.
I did not have fertile eggs before from this girl. I do now. lolol More the Merrier right? lololol

"the more the merrier" Absolutely! I think you'll really enjoy the babies from this cross. They have wonderful hybrid vigor and are so beautiful, with great personalities. I think this is what has made me so anxious to continue. Enjoy!

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